


What is abusive supervision and what effect does it have on employees and the organization?

On May 07, 2024

Abusive supervision is when managers engage in the bullying of subordinates.Abusive supervision is especially damaging to employee well-being, because managers control considerable resources of interest to employees (e.g., access to promotions)and are a natural place to turn to for support when experiencing abuse.This is impossible when it is the manager who is the abuser.Abusive supervision can also create a climate of abuse in the organization as the negative behaviour can "trickle down" from managers to supervisors to workers, creating a climate of abuse.


Internal control of cash receipts aims to ensure that all cash received is properly recorded and deposited.

On May 07, 2024



What is a contribution margin report?

On May 05, 2024

A contribution margin report presents cost data in a manner that emphasizes the company's contribution margin and contribution margin ratio.The basic format is to present sales less variable costs equaling contribution margin.


In retail outlets, customers are usually processed on a first come, first served basis. Why? Is the express lane in the supermarket an exception? Craft a sequencing rule to explain express lane behaviour.

On May 04, 2024

All customers are considered equally important, and not one should be given a higher priority than another. Most students will write a rule like "FCFS, except for very short processing times"; "8 items or less" is a proxy for processing time.