


Why did the University of California at Berkeley send out police to arrest a group of students in the fall of 1964?

A) The students were collecting money for a civil rights organization that registered voters in Mississippi.
B) The students were demonstrating their Second Amendment rights by marching across campus with guns.
C) The students - all of whom were African-Americans - wanted to enroll in the University's engineering program.
D) The students were suspected to have dealt drugs to undergraduates and faculty.

On Jul 07, 2024



Which of the following is considered a major contributor to the postwar economic boom?

A) The success of labor unions in gaining more control over corporate affairs
B) Government spending
C) The growth of service industries
D) Television production

On Jul 03, 2024



Discuss the basic beliefs and characteristics of the Federalist faction, and explain how the actions and decisions of the Federalists demonstrated those beliefs.

On Jun 06, 2024

The Federalist faction was a political group in the early years of the United States, led by Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, and John Jay. They believed in a strong central government, a national bank, and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. The Federalists also supported a strong military and a pro-British foreign policy.

One of the key characteristics of the Federalists was their belief in a strong central government. They believed that a strong federal government was necessary to maintain order and stability in the new nation. This belief was demonstrated through their support for the creation of a national bank, which they saw as essential for managing the country's finances and promoting economic growth.

The Federalists also demonstrated their belief in a strong military through their support for a standing army and a strong navy. They believed that a strong military was necessary to protect the nation from foreign threats and to maintain order at home. This belief was demonstrated through their actions in passing legislation to strengthen the military and build up the navy.

In terms of foreign policy, the Federalists were pro-British and believed in maintaining close ties with Britain. They saw Britain as a valuable trading partner and a source of stability in the world. This belief was demonstrated through their support for policies that favored Britain over France, such as the Jay Treaty, which sought to resolve outstanding issues between the United States and Britain.

Overall, the actions and decisions of the Federalists demonstrated their basic beliefs in a strong central government, a national bank, a strong military, and a pro-British foreign policy. These beliefs and characteristics shaped their approach to governing the new nation and had a lasting impact on the development of the United States.


Which of the following statements BEST describes American attitudes toward the prohibition of the Atlantic slave trade in 1808?

A) Despite its illegality,the trade continued throughout the antebellum period and did so with the growing support of southern slaveholders.
B) Although some radical northern merchants called for a revocation of the prohibition,the vast majority of southern slaveholders rejected it for fear of the effect that the influx of new slaves would have on the monetary value of their own slaves.
C) Hand in hand with the British Navy,the U.S.managed not only to bring an end to American participation in the trade,but effectively to end the trade completely by the middle of the nineteenth century.
D) Although records suggest that a few smugglers managed to sneak a handful of foreign slaves into the country,widespread and vocal public indignation against such criminal activities ensured that such smuggling remained insignificant.

On Jun 03, 2024



Which of the following statements accurately describes North America in the mid-eighteenth century?

A) The British colonies remained untouched by the demand for consumer goods due to a struggling economy.
B) British colonists experienced exceedingly low birth rates and life expectancy rates due to poor quality of life.
C) Slavery had reached its height, from where began a steep decline before it ended with the Civil War.
D) Free white colonists enjoyed perhaps the highest per capita income in the world.
E) The British colonies had a much smaller population base when compared to the French colonies.

On May 07, 2024



Which of the following is true of the First Reconstruction Act?

A) Existing Southern state governments were recognized as legitimate.
B) The education of freedmen in the South would be supported by federal funding.
C) Freedmen were given the right to vote in elections for state constitutional conventions and in subsequent elections.
D) Southern plantations were confiscated and divided into smaller plots of land.

On May 04, 2024