


Miss DeEmilio frequently notices bruises on third grader Evan's arms and legs.She is concerned that Evan is being physically abused by someone at home.What should Miss DeEmilio do as a result of her suspicions?

A) take Evan to a private room and ask how his parents hurt him
B) call Evan's parents and make accusations
C) report Evan's case to Child Protective Services
D) ask the principal to look at Evan's bruises and get her opinion about what to do next

On Jul 30, 2024



In the accompanying figure, the _______________ circuit uses three momentary contact pushbutton switches.

On Jul 13, 2024



Mr.and Mrs.Wray are very upset because of an incident that happened to their son.They believe the teacher should have known their son was being bullied on his way to school and could have prevented yesterday's bus stop event.The teacher believes he did everything he could in light of school policies but also agrees that something must be done to help this student.What should this teacher do when confronted with these upset family members?

A) look for common ground and mutually acceptable solutions
B) take the blame for the incident and ask for the families' forgiveness
C) explain the school's policy in a matter-of-fact way and why it's not his fault
D) ask a union representative to attend the meeting

On Jul 10, 2024



Which of the following is true of a counterbalanced crossover design?

A) Participants are randomly assigned to different groups that vary in the treatment order.
B) Participants are given treatment after the conclusion of the posttest.
C) Participants are randomly assigned to different treatment conditions.
D) Participants are led to believe that a viable treatment is being rendered while it is actually ineffective.

On Jul 08, 2024



How many anchor pins are used for a pair of S-cam actuated brake shoes?

A) one
B) two
C) four
D) eight

On Jul 06, 2024



Technician A says that as the rotational speed of an ABS monitored wheel increases,the voltage generated by the wheel speed sensor also increases.Technician B says that the frequency produced by a truck ABS wheel speed sensor when it is at a standstill should be close to 400 Hz.Who is correct?

A) Technician A only
B) Technician B only
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A nor B

On Jun 30, 2024



Discuss issues related to the family as a unit of care in hospice programs. How do hospices try to achieve quality of life for each "patient" they serve? How does the interdisciplinary hospice team concept help accomplish this?

On Jun 12, 2024

Hospice programs are designed to provide care and support for individuals who are facing a life-limiting illness, with a focus on enhancing their quality of life. However, it is important to recognize that the family plays a crucial role in the care of the patient, and hospice programs must address the needs of the family as a unit of care as well.

One of the key issues related to the family as a unit of care in hospice programs is the emotional and psychological impact of the illness on the family members. Watching a loved one go through a terminal illness can be incredibly challenging, and hospice programs must provide support and counseling for family members to help them cope with their own emotions and fears.

Additionally, practical issues such as caregiving responsibilities, financial concerns, and communication within the family also need to be addressed. Hospice programs should offer education and resources to help families navigate these challenges and ensure that the patient receives the best possible care and support.

In order to achieve quality of life for each patient they serve, hospices employ a holistic approach that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patient. This may include pain management, symptom control, emotional support, and spiritual care. Hospice programs also focus on enhancing the patient's comfort and dignity, allowing them to live their remaining days with as much peace and fulfillment as possible.

The interdisciplinary hospice team concept is instrumental in achieving these goals. This team typically includes physicians, nurses, social workers, counselors, spiritual care providers, and volunteers, all working together to address the various needs of the patient and their family. By collaborating and sharing their expertise, the interdisciplinary team can develop a comprehensive care plan that is tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each patient and their family.

Overall, hospice programs strive to provide compassionate and comprehensive care for both the patient and their family, with the goal of enhancing the quality of life for everyone involved. By addressing the needs of the family as a unit of care and utilizing the expertise of an interdisciplinary team, hospices can effectively support patients and their loved ones during this challenging time.


An individual usually pays a monthly premium, and when an illness occurs, the individual receives treatment, and then a bill is sent to the insurance company that pays most (or all, in some cases) of the medical bill. What form of payment is this known as?

A) Government payment
B) Public welfare system payment
C) Third-party payment
D) Individual payment

On Jun 09, 2024



Which of the following best exemplifies physical punishment (spanking) ?

A) It is legal in child care programs
B) It is likely to make the child fearful or angry, or cause resentment
C) It is the best approach to changing undesirable behavior
D) It is likely to enhance the "teachable moment"

On Jun 08, 2024



Describe each note-taking system in the chapter.Based on your learning style and note-taking experience, which system or combination of systems will you find the most useful in your studies? How will you apply this?

On Jun 06, 2024

The chapter discusses several note-taking systems, including the Cornell method, the outline method, the mapping method, and the charting method.

The Cornell method involves dividing your paper into three sections: a narrow column on the left for cues or questions, a wider column on the right for notes, and a summary section at the bottom. The outline method involves using a hierarchical structure to organize information, with main points and subpoints. The mapping method uses visual representations to connect ideas and show relationships between them. The charting method involves creating tables or charts to organize and compare information.

Based on my learning style and note-taking experience, I find that a combination of the Cornell method and the mapping method would be the most useful for my studies. I am a visual learner and I find that creating visual representations helps me to better understand and remember information. I also like the idea of having a designated section for cues or questions, as it encourages active engagement with the material.

To apply this, I will start by using the Cornell method to take notes during lectures or while reading. I will then supplement these notes with visual maps or diagrams to help me connect and organize the information. I will also make use of the summary section at the bottom of the page to review and reinforce key concepts. By combining these two methods, I believe I will be able to enhance my understanding and retention of the material.