


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory of motivation, esteem needs include recognition from peers and colleagues.

On Jun 07, 2024



Frederick Taylor's scientific management movement involved standardization, time and task study, systematic selection and training, and pay incentives.

On Jun 07, 2024



When communicating with e-mail messages, you should never:

A) use friendly closings.
B) be too brief.
C) use salutations.
D) use all capital letters.
E) include subject headings.

On Jun 05, 2024



The future value will increase the longer the period of time.

On May 08, 2024



The following totals for the month of February were taken from the payroll register of Arcon Company:?  Salaries expense $13,000 Social security and Medicare taxes withheld 975 Income taxes withheld 2,600 Retirement savings 500 Salaries subject to federal and state unemployment 4,000 taxes of 6.2%\begin{array}{l}\begin{array}{lr}\text { Salaries expense } & \$ 13,000 \\\text { Social security and Medicare taxes withheld } & 975 \\\text { Income taxes withheld } & 2,600 \\\text { Retirement savings } & 500 \\\text { Salaries subject to federal and state unemployment } & 4,000\end{array}\\\text { taxes of } 6.2 \%\end{array} Salaries expense  Social security and Medicare taxes withheld  Income taxes withheld  Retirement savings  Salaries subject to federal and state unemployment $13,0009752,6005004,000 taxes of 6.2% (a) How much is the total payroll tax expense for Arcon Company for this payroll?
(b) Assume that the monthly salaries expense remains the same for the entire year and no employees are hired or fired during that time. Based on what you learned in Chapter 11 about payroll taxes, do you expect the total payroll tax expense to stay the same every month? Explain.

On May 05, 2024

(a) Total payroll expense: $975 matching social security and Medicare taxes + $248 ($4,000 × 6.2%) unemployment taxes = $1,223??
(b) Total payroll tax expense is not expected to stay the same every month. The salaries subject to unemployment taxes should soon be zero, and it is possible that some employees may exceed the limit for social security tax before the year ends, so total payroll tax expense should decrease.


Analyze social relationships on their influences on traditional fund-raising strategies.

On May 04, 2024

Social relationships play a significant role in influencing traditional fund-raising strategies. When individuals have strong social connections, they are more likely to support and participate in fundraising efforts. This can be seen in the way that peer-to-peer fundraising leverages social relationships to raise funds for various causes. Friends and family members are more likely to donate to a cause when someone they know and trust is personally involved in the fundraising efforts.

Additionally, social relationships can also impact the success of traditional fund-raising events such as galas, auctions, and charity dinners. People are more likely to attend and donate to these events if they are invited by someone they have a personal connection with. The influence of social relationships can also extend to corporate sponsorships and donations. Companies are more likely to support causes that are championed by their employees or business partners.

Furthermore, social media has transformed the way traditional fund-raising strategies are implemented. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow individuals to easily share fundraising campaigns with their social networks, amplifying the reach and impact of these efforts. Social relationships also play a role in crowdfunding campaigns, as individuals are more likely to contribute to a cause if it is shared by someone they know.

In conclusion, social relationships have a significant influence on traditional fund-raising strategies. Leveraging personal connections, whether through peer-to-peer fundraising, event invitations, corporate partnerships, or social media sharing, can greatly enhance the success of fundraising efforts. Understanding and nurturing these social relationships is crucial for organizations looking to maximize their fundraising potential.