


For economists,"myopia" refers to:

A) visual nearsightedness.
B) people's difficulty in conceptualizing the future.
C) people's tendency to put too much emphasis on the future and ignore important present concerns.
D) people's tendency to focus on microeconomic concerns because of an inability to conceptualize macroeconomics.

On May 08, 2024



Control is the process of monitoring planning decisions and evaluating an organization's activities and employees.

On May 06, 2024



Identify and describe three attitudinal foundations for the practice of meditation.

On May 04, 2024

1. Openness: One attitudinal foundation for the practice of meditation is openness. This involves being open to whatever arises during the meditation practice, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant. It means approaching the practice with a non-judgmental attitude and being willing to observe and accept whatever thoughts, emotions, or sensations come up without trying to push them away or hold onto them.

2. Patience: Another attitudinal foundation for meditation is patience. Meditation is a practice that requires patience and persistence. It involves being patient with oneself and the process of meditation, understanding that it takes time to develop the skills of mindfulness and concentration. Patience also means being willing to sit with discomfort or restlessness that may arise during meditation, without trying to force it to go away.

3. Compassion: Compassion is also an important attitudinal foundation for the practice of meditation. This involves cultivating a sense of kindness and compassion towards oneself and others. It means approaching the practice with a gentle and loving attitude, and being understanding and forgiving towards oneself when the mind wanders or becomes distracted. Compassion also involves extending this kindness and understanding to others, and recognizing our shared humanity and interconnectedness.