


The board of directors of Filex Corporation at a regular meeting of the board entered into a contract with Ginger Grant,one of its directors.This contract called for Filex to purchase 120 acres of land from Ginger.There were ten members on the board,eight of whom were present at the meeting.One of the directors present was Ginger.All the other directors were disinterested in the transaction and not related to Ginger.After a lengthy discussion,six directors voted in favor of the contract and two voted against it.Ginger voted for the contract.Which of the following is true?

A) The contract between Ginger and the corporation is illegal and invalid.
B) The contract is valid since it was approved by a majority of a quorum of the board.
C) The contract becomes void if the corporation proves that the contract was unfair to it.
D) The contract is voidable unless Ginger proves that the contract is fair to the corporation.

On Jul 10, 2024



Under Title VII, which of the following statements is true regarding an award of attorney fees?

A) Attorney fees are always awarded to the prevailing party in Title VII cases.
B) Similar to attorney fees in a motor vehicle accident lawsuit, attorney fees are never awarded to the prevailing party in Title VII cases.
C) Attorney fees may be awarded to a successful plaintiff in a Title VII case and are typically denied only when special circumstances would render the award unjust, but attorney fees are not awarded to prevailing defendant.
D) Attorney fees are not awarded to a prevailing plaintiff; but if it is determined that a plaintiff's action was frivolous, unreasonable, or without foundation, a court may award attorney fees to the prevailing defendant.
E) Attorney fees may be awarded to a successful plaintiff in a Title VII case and are typically denied only when special circumstances would render the award unjust; and if it is determined that a plaintiff's action was frivolous, unreasonable, or without foundation, a court may award attorney fees to the prevailing defendant.

On Jul 10, 2024



A hurdle rate is the rate of return set by applying ideal standards.

On Jun 14, 2024



If the company increases its unit sales volume by 4% without increasing its fixed expenses, then total net operating income should be closest to:

A) $12,240
B) $318,240
C) $360,400
D) $311,973

On Jun 07, 2024



Generating an idea through spontaneous creativity, ingenuity, and information processing is the feasibility determination step of the innovation process.

On Jun 05, 2024



Sequencing is the critical step in determining the order in which a job will go through a production system.

On May 08, 2024



In the text, Cirent, a joint venture between Lucent Technologies and Cirrus Logic, was faced with a shortage of people in the local labor market who had the needed skills to staff its clean room operations in Orlando, Florida.To address this problem, Cirent did which of the following

A) sent newly hired employees to its other clean facilities to learn their jobs
B) collaborated with a local community college to design a curriculum for an associate's degree program that would give technicians the needed skills
C) expanded its relevant labor market search to include surrounding states
D) transferred trained personnel from its other clean room facilities
E) All of the above statements are actions that Cirent took to address the problem

On May 06, 2024



In efficient markets, investments have an expected return equal to zero.

On May 04, 2024
