


To the extent that values vary among people, we can expect different interpretations of what behaviour is ethical or unethical in a given situation.

On Jul 05, 2024



What type of individual is most associated with a boundaryless career?

A) retiree
B) someone highly committed to an organization
C) someone who does not take risks
D) self-directed "free agents"

On Jul 04, 2024



(Cash + Temporary investments + Accounts receivable) /Current liabilities

A) Current ratio
B) Working capital
C) Quick assets
D) Quick ratio
E) Record an accrual and disclose in the notes to the financial statements
F) Disclose only in notes to financial statements
G) No disclosure needed in notes to financial statements

On Jun 05, 2024



Raul wants to transfer a check to Schmidt. The check is defective if it

A) is clearly stamped "insufficient funds."
B) contains handwritten terms.
C) is undated.
D) is payable to alternative or join payees.

On Jun 04, 2024



Use Johnson's rule to determine the optimal sequencing for the five jobs to be processed on two machines in a fixed order (Machine 1 before Machine 2). The processing times are given in the table below.
a. What is the optimal sequence?
b. What is the total flow time for this sequence?
 Job  Machine 1  Machine 2  L 1011 M 817N149O137P108\begin{array} { | c | c | c | } \hline \text { Job } & \text { Machine 1 } & \text { Machine 2 } \\\hline \text { L } & 10 & 11 \\\hline \text { M } & 8 & 17 \\\hline \mathrm { N } & 14 & 9 \\\hline \mathrm { O } & 13 & 7 \\\hline \mathrm { P } & 10 & 8 \\\hline\end{array} Job  L  M NOP Machine 1 108141310 Machine 2 1117978

On May 06, 2024

(a,b) The optimal sequence is M-L-N-P-O, and the total flow time is 62. Details are contained in the solution table below.  Machine 1  Machine 2  Order  Done 1  Done 2  (flow time)  L 10.11. second 18.36.M8.17. first 8.25.N14.9. third 32.45.O13.7. fith 55.62. P 10.8. fourth 42.53. Makespan 62.\begin{array}{|r|r|r|r|r|r|}\hline & \text { Machine 1 } & \text { Machine 2 } & \text { Order } & \text { Done 1 } & \begin{array}{r}\text { Done 2 } \\\text { (flow time) }\end{array} \\\hline \text { L } & 10 . & 11 . & \text { second } & 18 . & 36 . \\\hline M & 8 . & 17 . & \text { first } & 8 . & 25 . \\\hline N& 14 . & 9 . & \text { third } & 32 . & 45 . \\\hline O & 13 . & 7 . & \text { fith } & 55 . & 62 . \\\hline \text { P } & 10 . & 8 . & \text { fourth } & 42 . & 53 . \\\hline \text { Makespan } & & & & & 62 . \\\hline\end{array} L MNO P  Makespan  Machine 1 Machine 2 Order  second  first  third  fith  fourth  Done 1 Done 2  (flow time)
 Sequence: M, L, N, P. O\text { Sequence: M, L, N, P. } \mathbf{O} Sequence: M, L, N, P. O


Describe finite capacity scheduling in a sentence or two. What is its role in short-term scheduling?

On May 04, 2024

Finite capacity scheduling (FCS) removes a shortcoming of MRP, which is that it ignores the capacity of time buckets. FCS makes short-term scheduling more realistic because it accounts for the finite capacity of time buckets. FCS can allow almost instantaneous change, and may involve an expert system or simulation system as planning tools. Short-term scheduling is evolving into finite capacity scheduling.