


The method of analyzing capital investment proposals in which the estimated average annual income is divided by the average investment is the average rate of return method.

On Jul 08, 2024



Under which of the following does each concerned interest group and the agency send representatives to bargaining sessions led by a mediator with any agreement forwarded to the agency?

A) Mediation
B) Regulation
C) Reg-neg
D) Med-neg
E) Arb-med

On Jul 04, 2024



A key difference between neoclassical economics and behavioral economics is that in behavioral economics context affects preferences.

On Jun 07, 2024



Health Source Inc. offers to buy Medico Supplies Corporation. On June 1, Medico gives Health Source copies of Medico's financial statements for the previous year. The statements show an inventory of $10 million. On June 15, Medico discovers that the previous year's inventory is overstated by $500,000, but does not inform Health Source. On July 1, Health Source, relying on the financial statements, buys Medico. On July 10, Health Source discovers the inventory overstatement. Can Health Source succeed in a suit against Medico? Explain.

On Jun 04, 2024

Yes, Health Source can succeed in a suit against Medico. The basis for the suit could be fraud because Medico had a duty to disclose that the inventory was overstated as soon as Medico learned of that fact.
The elements of an action for fraud are (1)the misrepresentation of a material fact, (2)the intent to deceive, and (3)the innocent party's justifiable reliance on the misrepresentation. Ordinarily, no party to a contract has a duty to come forward and disclose facts. Each party is responsible for the use of common sense and normal business sense in negotiating a contract. An action for fraud can be based on a failure to disclose material facts when there is a certain relationship between the parties such as between partners in a partnership or when a party could not reasonably discover a fact known to the other party. An action may also be maintained if, as here, a party that misstates a material fact later learns of the misstatement but does not disclose it to the other party. This is misrepresentation by conduct.
Here, by providing financial statements, Medico made certain representations. Those representations were false, however, as Medico learned. Medico's knowledge of the overstated inventory and failure to disclose this to Health Source indicated intent to deceive. Health Source's reliance on Medico's statements was reasonable and justifiable.


A criminal defendant has the right to confront accusers and to present his or her own witnesses.

On May 08, 2024



Steve,Martha,and Pete formed an LLC two years ago.As of today,Steve has contributed $100,000,Martha has contributed $50,000,and Pete has contributed $50,000 to the LLC.The LLC made a profit of $30,000 in two years.By default,how much will Steve's share of profits be?

A) $10,000
B) $20,000
C) $15,000
D) $30,000

On May 05, 2024