


Financial futures contracts are actively traded on which of the following indices?

A) The All ordinary index
B) The DAX 30 Index
C) The CAC 40 Index
D) The Toronto 35 Index
E) All of the options are correct.

On Aug 03, 2024



The model of monopolistic competition characterizes the market for plumbing services in a city.This market is initially in long-run equilibrium,but then there is an increase in market demand for plumbing services.We expect that in the long run:

A) firms will leave the plumbing market.
B) there will be a short-run increase in the number of firms,but then the number will return to the original level.
C) new firms will enter the plumbing market.
D) firms will shut down,but they will not leave the industry.

On Jul 07, 2024



Langston steals from MindGames, Inc., ten game players, which Langston sells to Nu2U Games store. Unaware that the players are stolen, Nu2U reconditions them and sells them to Online Distributors, Inc. With the reconditioned drives, Nu2U gives Online Distributors a written statement that disclaims "any and all warranties." MindGames learns that Online Distributors has the players and demands their return. Online Distributors gives the equipment to MindGames and files a suit against Nu2U. Will Online Distributors succeed in its suit? Why or why not?

On Jul 04, 2024

Yes, Online Distributors will succeed in its suit against Nu2U.
Every contract for a sale of goods warrants that the title is good and its transfer is proper. This warranty of title arises automatically. The warranty can be excluded or modified only by a specific written statement in the contract. A general disclaimer is not effective-the disclaimer must be specific. In some cases, the circumstances may give the buyer reason to know that the transferor does not have title to the goods.
The transfer of the players from Nu2U to Online Distributors was a sale of goods. The warranty of title arose automatically. Nu2U's disclaimer was in writing, but it was not specific-it did not specifically disclaim that the title was good and its transfer proper. Also, under the circumstances described in this problem, Online Distributors had no reason to know that Nu2U did not have good title to the drives. In this situation, Nu2U warranted the title, breached that warranty in the sale to Online Distributors, and will lose the suit.


Most economists believe that a family bases its spending decisions on its transitory income.

On Jun 07, 2024



Which of the following rationalizations for unethical behaviour reflects the mistaken belief that the organization's best interests stand above all others?

A) It's not really illegal.
B) It's in everyone's best interests.
C) No one will ever know about it.
D) The organization will protect me.
E) Everybody does it.

On Jun 04, 2024



Strict product liability exists if:

A) the consumer misuses the product.
B) the consumer alters the product before he or she uses it.
C) a defective, unreasonably dangerous product reaches the consumer or user without substantial change in the condition in which it is sold.
D) the consumer gives the manufacturer or seller notice of the defect.

On May 08, 2024



Direct customer interviews are a challenging but effective way to verify the findings of a customer journey map.

On May 05, 2024
