


Which of the following holds true of initiating behaviors as compared to supportive behaviors?

A) Providing feedback and analysis of issues and concerns
B) Accepting responsibility in situations
C) Expressing the value of the employee and his or her contribution to the work
D) Empathizing for the employee and paying attention to obstacles and problems

On Jul 23, 2024



Philosopher William James identified three components of the self: the material,the social,and the spiritual.The material self is based upon __________.

A) all of the tangible things you own
B) that part of you that interacts with others
C) your internal thoughts and introspections about your values and moral standards
D) your needs and desires

On Jun 30, 2024



Personal and professional conflicts often arise due to _____ that may be a result of errors in semantics.

A) organizational failure
B) miscommunication
C) varied work styles
D) a resource crunch

On Jun 20, 2024



Shelley's company is in the process of merging with another company.In order to make it easy for the employees from both corporate cultures to blend,Shelley tries to develop strategies for the merger by comparing it to a marriage.She is using the _____ method to find creative solutions to the problem.

A) part changing
B) checkerboard
C) checklist
D) analogy

On Jun 16, 2024



What process is involved when we focus our attention on specific elements of our environment and ignore others?

A) interpersonal perception
B) selective attention
C) perception
D) selective recall

On May 19, 2024



What is meant by relationship-specific social decentering? Provide an example.

On May 15, 2024

-Social decentering helps us to understand our partner better,and that understanding allows us to choose effective strategies for accomplishing our communication goals,adapting to our partner's current behavior,and anticipating his or her responses.It is based on a specific relationship.
-Studies have shown that the more intimate the relationship,the higher the respondents' relationship-specific social decentering scores were,and the higher the relational satisfaction reported by both partners was.
-Relationship partners have expectations that their partner understands them and treats them in a manner that reflects that understanding.Repeated failure to display relationship-specific social decentering behavior is likely to contribute to relational dissatisfaction.
-For example,after getting angry with your partner for not doing the dishes as agreed,you are likely to get even more upset if you find that your partner didn't realize she or he had made you angry.
-Student examples will vary.


What is the main difference between a confirming and a disconfirming response to a message? Provide an example of each.

On May 12, 2024

-A confirming response causes the other person to value himself or herself more while a disconfirming response causes another person to value himself or herself less.
-An example of a confirming response would be,"I'm sorry,Becca,I know how frustrated you must be waiting for your test results-I know those results are important to you," to Becca's statement,"I'm worried that my cough may be something serious."
-A disconfirming response would be no response whatsoever,either verbal or nonverbal,or "Becca you're such a worrier-I had a cough a couple of weeks ago and I'm okay now.It's just something going around."
- Student examples will vary.


Morgan and Lauren are arguing about how to discipline their son who was just suspended from school.Although tensions are high,they both agree on the importance of correcting their son's behavior,and promise to work together to find a solution.Which type of conflict is demonstrated here?

A) instrumental conflict
B) active conflict
C) constructive conflict
D) expressive conflict

On May 08, 2024



Celia uses __________ as she listens to her partner by occasionally interjecting with responses such as "Oh,I see" and "Uh-huh" to show she is interested.

A) backchannel talk
B) euphemisms
C) symbolic interaction
D) malapropisms

On May 05, 2024