


List and explain the basic dimensions of the social learning theory,and describe how these dimensions are interrelated.

On Jun 02, 2024

According to the social learning theory,learning is viewed as knowledge acquisition through the mental processing of information.The basic dimensions of the social cognitive learning theory are symbolizing,forethought,vicarious learning,self-control,and self-efficacy.According to the theory,people watch others and develop mental pictures of their behavior and its results (through symbolizing,employees process visual experiences into cognitive models that serve to guide their behavior,and using forethought,employees plan their actions,anticipate consequences,and determine the levels of desired performance).People perceive information from the environment and their coworkers,and process that information to develop a mental concept of the likely consequences of their own performance of that behavior.New behaviors may develop through vicarious learning,where a learner observes a model's behavior and its consequences,or through self-control learning,where a new behavior is learned even though there is no external pressure to do so.In both cases,the individual's level of self-efficacy (i.e. ,their level of confidence in their ability to perform a specific task in a particular situation)will influence that individual's choices of tasks as well as the amount of effort and persistence expended trying to reach their goals.


In the context of adjusting to personal changes, _____ is the process of returning to a point where you know who you are and feel good about yourself once again.

On Jun 02, 2024



A major disadvantage of_____design is that employees will focus on their particular products this may create unhealthy competition between departments in an organization.

A) product
B) functional
C) place
D) materials

On May 31, 2024



The Clean Water Act makes it illegal for anyone to discharge any pollutant from a point source directly into navigable waters without a ___________.

A) good reason
B) direct order
C) permit
D) inspector present
E) limit

On May 03, 2024



Max relocated to take a new job. He immediately got sick and went to a doctor close to where he lived. During his exam, the doctor was impatient and demonstrated a poor bedside manner. Max wished that he could have requested a different doctor in that moment, but it was too late. Max's experience exemplifies which key difference in services?

A) intangibility
B) homogeneity
C) perishability
D) inseparability
E) heterogeneity

On May 01, 2024



If your proposal is solicited,follow the instructions in the RFP.

On Apr 30, 2024
