


(Table: Pumpkin Market) There are two consumers,Andy and Ben,in the market for pumpkins.Their willingness to pay for each pumpkin is shown in the table Pumpkin Market.There are two producers of pumpkins,Cindy and Diane,and their costs are also shown.The equilibrium price for pumpkins is $8 and the equilibrium quantity is 5.At the equilibrium price and quantity,Ben buys _____ pumpkins,and his consumer surplus is _____.

A) four;$2
B) three;$6
C) two;$4
D) one;$3

On May 13, 2024



"Establishing internal client relationships" is a motivational strategy advocated by Management by Objectives.

On May 13, 2024



Which of the following is correct with regard to a contract entered into with a third person by an agent of an undisclosed principal?

A) The agent has no liability to the third person if the agent has acted within the scope of her authority.
B) The agent is personally liable upon the contract.
C) The undisclosed principal has no liability on the contract, even if her existence and identity are discovered by the third person.
D) If the third party obtains a judgment against the principal and the judgment is satisfied, the agent may still have liability to that third party.

On May 10, 2024