


Tomas Industries has an inventory period of 132 days, an accounts payable period of 94 days, and an accounts receivable period of 43 days. What is the length of the cash cycle?

A) -5 days
B) 5 days
C) 81 days
D) 103 days
E) 183 days

On Jul 24, 2024



Carol and Jess,both senior management majors,have been studying together for the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) .The test is tomorrow and the results may determine whether or not they are admitted to a top quality MBA program.The following exchange occurs.Jess says,"I am not worried about this test.We have done our preparation work and I am sure we will do fine." Carol responds,"I don't see how you can be so relaxed.I am a nervous wreck.This is it--the real thing.I'm afraid I might blow it.I can hardly throat is so dry....and my hands are trembling." The different responses to this stressor on the part of Carol and Jess are probably the result of:

A) individual differences
B) differences in social support
C) mental ability
D) reinforcement

On Jul 23, 2024



Describe the management-by-objectives method of performance appraisal.

On Jun 24, 2024

Answers will vary. A popular method of appraising performance that focuses on outcomes is a goal-based or management-by-objectives (MBO) system. Management by objectives is the most popular term used for this approach, although many companies develop their own label to describe the system used in their organization. In an MBO system, a subordinate meets with his or her manager, and together they set goals for the subordinate for a coming period of time, often 1 year. These goals are usually quantifiable, objective, and almost always written down. During the year, the manager and the subordinate meet periodically to review the subordinate's performance relative to attaining the goals. At the end of the year, a more formal meeting is scheduled. During that meeting, the actual degree of goal attainment is assessed. The degree of goal attainment then becomes the individual's performance appraisal. If an individual has attained all the goals that he or she set for himself or herself, then employee performance is deemed to be very good. On the other hand, if not all goals were accomplished and the individual is directly responsible for that performance deficiency, then his or her performance is judged to be less than adequate or acceptable.


The Rothchild Company purchased a machine on October 1, 2010, for $80, 000.At the time of acquisition, the machine was estimated to have a useful life of five years and an estimated salvage value of $5, 000.Rothchild has recorded monthly depreciation using the straight-line method.On April 1, 2012, the machine was sold for $50, 000.What should be the loss recognized from the sale of the machine?

A) $ 0
B) $2, 500
C) $5, 000
D) $7, 500

On Jun 22, 2024



Which of the following are the two main types of cost accounting systems for manufacturing operations?

A) process cost and general accounting systems
B) job order cost and process cost systems
C) job order and general accounting systems
D) process cost and replacement cost systems

On May 25, 2024



An employer's federal unemployment taxes (FUTA) are reported:

A) Annually.
B) Semiannually.
C) Quarterly.
D) Monthly.
E) Weekly.

On May 23, 2024