


The expected return-beta relationship of the CAPM is graphically represented by

A) the security-market line.
B) the capital-market line.
C) the capital-allocation line.
D) the efficient frontier with a risk-free asset.
E) the efficient frontier without a risk-free asset.

On Jul 21, 2024



Briefly summarize the different ways in which one can separate oneself from other applicants.

On Jul 20, 2024

Good word choices can help set one's letter apart from the hundreds of letters the company is likely to get in response to an ad.One's knowledge of the company separates one from other applicants.One can also use course work,an understanding of the field,and experience in jobs and extracurricular events to show that one is unique.The more readable one's application letter,the more likely one will attract the favourable attention of those responsible for deciding whom to interview.Unsupported claims may sound overconfident,selfish,or arrogant.Create you-attitude by describing exactly what one has done and showing how that relates to what one could do for this employer.One should be positive and avoid word choices with negative connotations.


Define what is meant by interest rate risk. Assume you are the manager of a $100 million portfolio of corporate bonds and you believe interest rates will fall. What adjustments should you make to your portfolio based on your beliefs?

On Jun 21, 2024

Interest rate risk is the risk that arises for bond owners from fluctuating interest rates. All else the same, if interest rates are expected to fall you should purchase long-term bonds and/or low coupon bonds, and sell shorter-term, higher-coupon bonds.


Farmer Brown brings his crop of wheat to the local grain elevator where it is stored along with the grain of several other farmers. A few months later, the grain elevator declares bankruptcy. Who owns the grain? Can Farmer Brown get his grain back? Explain.

On Jun 20, 2024

All of the farmers own the grain by confusion. Confusion arises when identical goods are so mixed that the owners cannot identify their own property. If the goods can be apportioned, each owner who can prove his proportion of the whole is entitled to receive his share. If the confusion results from the willful and wrongful act of one of the parties, he will lose his entire interest if unable to prove his share. If there is not enough to distribute a full share to each owner and the confusion was due to mistake, accident, or agreement, each owner will bear the loss in proportion to his share.


To improve your credibility, it is important to establish common ground because it will help your audience to ________.

A) see both sides of the issue
B) identify with you
C) be objective
D) do all of the above

On May 22, 2024



In the market for tacos,a normal good,you observe that the equilibrium price and quantity have increased.This can be caused only by:

A) an increase in the price of beef.
B) an increase in the wages of taco shop workers.
C) fewer taco shops.
D) an increase in the incomes of people who eat tacos.

On May 21, 2024