


When should differences in color,shape,and size be used to highlight the differences between quantities in a chart?

A) When you want to show consistency
B) When you need to create contrast
C) When you want to achieve visual balance
D) When you want to balance opposing elements
E) When you want to eliminate chartjunk

On Sep 25, 2024



What is a pilot study? How is it conducted?

On Sep 22, 2024

Before conducting the actual survey, it is advisable to conduct a pilot study the questionnaire and survey plan. A pilot study is a small-scale version of the actual survey; in essence, it is a form of user testing. Researchers select a few people to use as testers and have them take their survey to identify unclear questions, technological glitches, or other problems. Based on the results, they modify their questionnaire and working plan. Including this step in their survey planning helps them avoid the disappointment (and cost) that results from administering a flawed survey.