


Great Railroad Strike

On Jul 01, 2024

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was a nationwide strike by railroad workers in the United States. It began in West Virginia and quickly spread to other states, including Pennsylvania, Maryland, Illinois, and Missouri. The strike was a response to wage cuts and poor working conditions, and it was one of the largest labor uprisings in U.S. history. The strike led to widespread violence and destruction, with clashes between striking workers and the police and military. The strike also had significant economic and political implications, as it disrupted the nation's transportation and commerce. Ultimately, the strike was a turning point in the labor movement, as it brought attention to the plight of workers and led to increased support for labor unions and workers' rights. It also highlighted the growing tensions between labor and capital in the rapidly industrializing United States.


Among the Confederacy's advantages during the Civil War was

A) that its rail network was more advanced than the Union's.
B) its large size, which made it more difficult for the Union to conquer.
C) that the Lower South had long had significant manufacturing facilities.
D) that its military-aged white male population was slightly larger than the Union's.
E) that so many of its men volunteered to fight that it never resorted to a draft.

On Jun 28, 2024



Which of the following was a goal for the English in gaining New Amsterdam and New Netherland from the Dutch?

A) to stop the slave trade in North America
B) to act as a launching pad for attacks on the French colonies
C) to unify royal families
D) to obtain land for tobacco farming.
E) to stop Catholicism from spreading

On May 31, 2024



Assess the record of the U.S. Supreme Court on civil liberties during World War I.

A) The Court's failed efforts at restoring constitutional protections for free speech during the war propelled Americans into activism during the 1920s.
B) A majority of the justices agreed that the Espionage Act under the Wilson administration constituted a "clear and present danger" to American freedom.
C) The Supreme Court had largely upheld government restrictions on First Amendment rights during the war.
D) The majority of Supreme Court justices were ready to strike down federal infringements on free speech, but the slow appeals process prevented that opportunity.
E) The Court made a strong push for civil liberties, but with the explicit intent to exclude African-Americans.

On May 28, 2024




A) did not discuss sexual behavior.
B) first entered the political vocabulary during the Progressive era.
C) only represented women fighting for the right to vote.
D) believed in traditional gender roles.
E) promoted the idea that women should not control property.

On May 01, 2024



The Dawes Severalty Act was based on the belief that:

A) Indians should be allowed to participate actively in decisions concerning their future
B) By establishing reservations as enclaves protected from white encroachment, Indian culture could be preserved
C) Family units headed by men were the desired social model for all societies
D) Indians could best be assimilated into mainstream American society by teaching them the skills necessary to become factory workers

On Apr 28, 2024