


Which of the following is one of the four strategies that researchers have determined most people use to increase their ability to remember visual experiences?

A) People hope they will remember.
B) People associate the image with a series of seven numbers.
C) People carefully note the details of the image.
D) People sing a song to themselves while inspecting the image.

On Jul 11, 2024



What occurs during lateral inhibition?

A) Adjacent cells in the visual system fire independently of one another and cause multiple inhibitory action potentials.
B) Bright lights inhibit the firing of retinal cells.
C) The absence of light inhibits cell firing in the visual system.
D) Neurons that extend sideways inhibit the activation of neighboring cells.

On Jul 08, 2024



Heredity is defined as

A) the biological transmission of traits and characteristics that is passed from parent to child by means of genes.
B) the spiral shaped structures found in cells.
C) traits that are determined by pairs of genes.
D) the process of cell division.

On Jun 11, 2024



Among the personal factors, cognitive psychologists consider when predicting aggressive behavior, which of the following is typically included?

A) The provocative situation
B) Genetic predisposition to aggression
C) The ego defense mechanisms the person uses
D) Visual cues in the environment.

On Jun 08, 2024



The psychologist who formulated the principles of operant conditioning was

A) John B.Watson.
B) Sidney Pressey.
C) B.F.Skinner.
D) Ivan Pavlov.

On May 11, 2024



Discuss how gender differences in both aggression and social connectedness are influenced by nature and nurture. Describe and justify the approaches you would recommend to reduce the current gender differences in each of these two specific areas.

On May 09, 2024

Gender differences in aggression and social connectedness are influenced by both nature and nurture.

In terms of aggression, research suggests that there are biological differences in the way males and females express aggression. Hormonal differences, particularly in testosterone levels, have been linked to higher levels of aggression in males. This suggests a biological basis for gender differences in aggression. However, socialization also plays a significant role in shaping aggressive behavior. From a young age, boys are often encouraged to be assertive and competitive, while girls are socialized to be nurturing and cooperative. These societal expectations can reinforce and perpetuate gender differences in aggression.

Similarly, social connectedness is influenced by both nature and nurture. Studies have shown that females tend to have stronger social networks and are more likely to seek out social support than males. This could be attributed to biological factors such as oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and social behavior. However, societal norms and expectations also play a role in shaping social connectedness. Boys are often discouraged from expressing vulnerability or seeking emotional support, which can lead to lower levels of social connectedness.

To reduce the current gender differences in aggression, it is important to address both biological and social factors. One approach could be to provide education and training on emotional regulation and conflict resolution from a young age, teaching both boys and girls healthy ways to express and manage their emotions. Additionally, challenging traditional gender norms and promoting empathy and understanding in all children can help reduce the perpetuation of aggressive behavior based on gender.

In terms of social connectedness, promoting open communication and emotional expression for all genders is crucial. Encouraging boys to seek out social support and express vulnerability can help reduce the stigma around male emotional expression. Additionally, creating inclusive and supportive environments in schools and communities can help foster stronger social connections for all individuals, regardless of gender.

Overall, addressing gender differences in aggression and social connectedness requires a multi-faceted approach that considers both biological and social influences. By promoting healthy emotional expression and challenging traditional gender norms, we can work towards reducing these gender differences and creating more equitable and supportive environments for all individuals.