


Sexism involving both hostility and benevolence toward women is called ________.

A) ambivalent sexism
B) hostile sexism
C) modern sexism
D) benevolent sexism

On Aug 06, 2024



The most common psychological cause of erectile difficulties is

A) a depressed mood.
B) too much stress at work.
C) an argument with one's partner.
D) anxiety about sexual performance.

On Aug 02, 2024



Which of the following techniques did Freud use to discover the latent content of his patients' dreams?

A) fixation
B) identification
C) projective testing
D) free association

On Jul 06, 2024



When choosing the genus for a definition, one should:

A) always choose the broadest possible genus
B) always choose the narrowest possible genus
C) never choose the broadest possible genus
D) never choose the narrowest possible genus
E) choose whatever genus is appropriate to the essential attributes of the concept

On Jul 03, 2024



The tendency to accept favorable descriptions of one's personality that could really be applied to almost anyone is known as

A) the Barnum effect.
B) projection.
C) the spotlight effect.
D) an internal locus of control.

On Jun 06, 2024



In treating a 3-year-old child named Peter,Mary Cover Jones

A) used unconditional positive acceptance and empathic understanding to help Peter overcome his fear of rabbits.
B) was the first behavior therapist to use virtual reality therapy to eliminate a phobia.
C) conditioned a response that was incompatible with a previously learned response of fear in the presence of a tame rabbit.
D) used operant conditioning techniques to eliminate the child's fear of rabbits.

On Jun 03, 2024



While research shows that personalities continue to develop, the changes are gradual, evolving over a period of years.

On May 07, 2024



Describe the two types of pain receptors and the types of pain that they help people perceive.Then,describe a type of pain and determine which type of pain receptor would carry it.

On May 04, 2024

Fast fibers quickly convey sensory input to the brain,where it is perceived as sharp,immediate pain.Slow fibers slowly convey sensory input to the brain,where it is perceived as chronic,dull,steady pain.Examples will vary.


Professor Sanders wants to study how constant distractions during an exam affect student performance.She randomly assigns her students to different classrooms where the experimental group will receive a predetermined number of distractions while taking an exam.In this study, the independent variable is the ________ and the dependent variable is the ________.

A) classrooms where the exams were taken; number of distractions
B) number of distractions; performance scores on the exam
C) classrooms where the exams were taken; students taking the exam
D) performance scores on the exam; number of distractions

On May 02, 2024



How does transactive memory affect group behavior?

On May 01, 2024

Some psychologists coined the term transactive memory to refer to a process by which members of a small group remember different kinds of information. For example, when the electricity goes out and you need a candle, it helps if you can remember where the candles are. But it is almost as good if you know that your roommate remembers where they are. You do not have to remember everything yourself.
Groups are most effective when group members know about what they know and can shift responsibility for remembering to the best-suited individuals. For example, a romantic couple moving in together might start off by having the woman do the cooking because that fits traditional roles and assumptions, but as they get to know each other, they might realize that the man is more interested in food and has a better memory for recipes,so they could reallocate the role to him. In lab studies, intimate couples who worked face to face performed the best on group memory tasks. They did better than pairs of strangers and better than couples who were not face to face. The crucial difference was that by looking at each other, they could tell which of them knew the answer best.
Transactive memory begins at the learning stage, not just at the remembering stage.Groups perform better when they are trained together, in part because they can help slot people into particular roles for learning different things. That is, the group can speed its learning by figuring out who is good at what parts of the task. As a result, each person can concentrate on learning his or her specialty, rather than everyone trying to learn everything.