


Examine the issue of tariff rates during the late nineteenth century. What stand was taken by the Republicans, by the Democrats, and by the Populists on this issue? Why? Identify the major pieces of tariff legislation of the period, and explain the consequences of each.

On Jul 24, 2024

During the late nineteenth century, the issue of tariff rates was a major point of contention in American politics. Tariffs, or taxes on imported goods, were a significant source of government revenue at the time and were also used to protect domestic industries from foreign competition.

The Republicans generally supported high tariff rates, as they believed in protecting American industries and promoting economic growth. They argued that high tariffs would help to maintain high wages for American workers and prevent foreign goods from flooding the market.

On the other hand, the Democrats generally favored lower tariff rates, as they believed that high tariffs led to higher prices for consumers and hindered international trade. They argued that lower tariffs would lead to cheaper goods for consumers and promote free trade.

The Populists, a third party that emerged during this time, also opposed high tariff rates. They believed that high tariffs benefited wealthy industrialists at the expense of farmers and working-class Americans. They advocated for lower tariffs and government regulation of monopolies to promote fair competition and protect the interests of the common people.

The major pieces of tariff legislation during this period included the McKinley Tariff of 1890, the Wilson-Gorman Tariff of 1894, and the Dingley Tariff of 1897. The McKinley Tariff raised tariff rates to their highest levels in history, leading to increased prices for consumers and a backlash from farmers and consumers. The Wilson-Gorman Tariff, passed by a Democratic Congress, aimed to lower tariff rates but was ultimately watered down through amendments and did not have a significant impact. The Dingley Tariff, passed by Republicans, raised tariff rates once again and remained in effect for over a decade, contributing to a period of economic prosperity but also leading to increased tensions with trading partners.

In conclusion, the issue of tariff rates during the late nineteenth century was a major point of contention between the major political parties. The Republicans generally supported high tariffs to protect American industries, while the Democrats and Populists favored lower tariffs to promote free trade and protect the interests of consumers and farmers. The major pieces of tariff legislation of the period had varying consequences, with some leading to increased prices and economic tensions, while others contributed to economic growth and prosperity.


Explain the Omaha platform and identify which of its demands were later met.

On Jul 22, 2024

government ownership of railroads, free and unlimited silver coinage, subtreasuries, free election of senators, a graduated income tax and labor union protections


Besides being an Italian patriot,Giuseppe Mazzini was also

A) a devout Catholic.
B) a royalist.
C) an anarchist.
D) an early proponent of a European federation of nations.
E) a feminist supporter.

On Jun 24, 2024



John Locke believed that slaves could not be considered part of civil society.

On Jun 22, 2024



In the 1890s, 3.5 million immigrants arrived in the United States. Where did most of them come from?

A) Ireland, England, and Wales
B) Germany and France
C) China
D) South America
E) Southern and Eastern Europe

On Jun 20, 2024



Which of the following was true of the Supreme Court during its first decade?

A) The Court handed down no decisions.
B) The Court was the most influential branch of government.
C) The justices were bitterly divided over how to interpret the Constitution.
D) The Court handled few cases of any importance.

On May 24, 2024



Which statement is true about the Civil War and Indians in the West?

A) The Civil War had little impact on Indians in the West.
B) The Union treated Indian tribes more leniently than the Confederacy did.
C) During the war, the Union army forced 8,000 Navajo to move to a reservation.
D) Conflicts between white settlers and Indians in the West were suspended during the Civil War.
E) The Union suspended all military actions against Indian tribes during the Civil War.

On May 22, 2024



Why did Jefferson resign as Secretary of State at the end of 1793?

A) He wanted to retire to his farm.
B) Jefferson returned to France as ambassador.
C) He was too heavily in debt to continue public service.
D) His feud with Hamilton caused him to question Washington's policies.

On May 21, 2024



Booker T. Washington urged blacks to try to combat segregation and become active in political affairs.

On May 20, 2024



Which of the following U.S. presidents used "freedom" as his watchword and invoked an image of America as the "beacon of liberty and freedom"?

A) Richard Nixon
B) Ronald Reagan
C) Gerard Ford
D) Earl Warren
E) Nelson Rockefeller

On May 18, 2024