


What are fans of the original Star Trek series doing when they edit recorded episodes of the TV show to make it appear that Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are passionate gay lovers?

A) textual poaching
B) reinforcing the meaning of the original product
C) being a passive audience
D) agenda setting

On Jul 19, 2024



The hatred of women is called

A) sexism.
B) gender discrimination.
C) prejudice.
D) misogyny.

On Jul 16, 2024



What factors help explain the declining crime rates in Canada in recent decades?

On Jun 19, 2024

There are several factors that help explain the declining crime rates in Canada in recent decades. One of the key factors is the country's strong economy and low unemployment rates, which have been shown to correlate with lower crime rates. Additionally, Canada has implemented effective crime prevention and intervention programs, as well as community policing initiatives that have helped to reduce crime. Changes in demographics, such as an aging population and declining birth rates, have also been linked to lower crime rates. Furthermore, advancements in technology and increased surveillance have made it more difficult for criminals to operate without being detected. Finally, changes in social attitudes and a greater emphasis on rehabilitation and reintegration for offenders have also contributed to the decline in crime rates in Canada. Overall, a combination of economic, social, and policy factors have played a role in the decreasing crime rates in Canada in recent decades.


Participant observation is deficient when it comes to establishing reliability,generalizability,and general causality.Therefore,it is better suited for ____ research,according to the text.

A) statistical
B) survey
C) exploratory
D) corporate
E) all of these choices

On Jun 16, 2024



Go to the Politifact website ( HYPERLINK "" and find a statement made by a politician that has been rated according to its "truthiness," then assess that statement utilizing Jurgen Habermas' ideas about consensus as it arises according to discourse.

On May 20, 2024

-Political statements are not usually designed to reach consensus and those investigated by Politifact are especially likely to bend the truth. This is because politicians regularly put forth a limited truth within the current discourse; validity claims are questioned as politicians utterances are likely not designed toward understanding, they are not reliable, they are often insincere even though often normatively positioned to speak as if they are


________ is more serious than neurosis and personality,or character,disorder.

On May 17, 2024
