


Research shows that satisfaction with a benefits plan declines as employees learn more about it.

On Jul 27, 2024



How much is the MPC?

On Jul 24, 2024

4,000/5,000 = 4/5 = .8


Which of the following acts exempted the insurance industry from antitrust legislation?

A) Equal Pay Act of 1963
B) Civil Rights Act of 1964
C) McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1944
D) Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890
E) Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

On Jun 27, 2024



According to the text, which medium can transmit the richest information?

A) Video
B) Face-to-face interaction
C) Computer
D) Telephone
E) Written memos

On Jun 23, 2024



According to transactional analysis, much of what we do and say in our daily lives is based on scripts that most people heard repeatedly as children.

On May 27, 2024



The emergence of the junk bond as a financing tool contributed significantly to the merger and acquisition activity of the 1980s. Describe the junk bond and explain the premise on which its popularity grew. What was the inherent flaw in the rationale?

On May 24, 2024

Junk bonds are high yield debt issued by risky companies. They were important in mergers because the debt load required to consummate many deals made the resulting firms risky. Junk bonds appealed to investors because they were pooled over a large number of issuing companies. The organizers claimed that high-risk firms failed only slightly more often than lower-risk companies. Therefore, a pool of bonds that yielded, say 15% after losing one or two percent to failures would still be more attractive to investors than a secure company's 10% bond. The flaw in the reasoning was that the failure rate of risky companies was only slightly higher than that of secure companies in good economic times. In bad times the rate was much higher. A recession in the late 1980s produced widespread failure among high-risk firms and led to major losses in junk bond portfolios. That led to a virtual collapse of the high yield segment of the bond market in the early 1990s.