


Yaba is a family planning counselor at a Planned Parenthood clinic. She helps clients choose contraceptive methodology and make reproductive decisions. Gretchen is a new worker who just transferred in from a small satellite clinic that had to be closed because of budget cuts. Yaba has several opportunities to talk with Gretchen about the clinic's services. Gretchen makes several comments to Yaba where her facts are blatantly in error. Yaba wonders what kind of information Gretchen is giving clients. Yaba asks Gretchen to lunch so that she might informally talk to Gretchen about her concerns.  During this meeting Yaba identifies some reading materials and a series of in-services Gretchen might pursue to improve her effectiveness. This is the ethical thing to do.

On Jul 24, 2024



Both human capital theory and dual labor market theory focus on the characteristics of the individual in order to explain the gender gap in wages.

On Jul 23, 2024



What is technological determinism?

On Jul 20, 2024

Technological determinism is a theoretical framework that posits that technology is the principal factor driving societal change and shaping human history. This concept suggests that the development and adoption of new technologies determine the structure of societies, their cultural values, social organization, and even the way individuals think and behave.

The theory of technological determinism is often associated with the work of American sociologist and historian of technology, Thorstein Veblen, and later with Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan. McLuhan famously said, "The medium is the message," implying that the characteristics of the technology (the medium) itself are more significant in social change than the content it carries.

Proponents of technological determinism believe that technological innovation is an autonomous process, following its own logic and momentum, which humans cannot control. They argue that once a new technology is introduced, it creates a set of irreversible changes that societies must adapt to if they want to progress and survive.

Critics of technological determinism, however, argue that it underestimates the role of human agency, social structures, and cultural factors in shaping technological development. They contend that technology is not an independent force but is developed and used according to the needs, values, and decisions of people and institutions. This perspective is known as social constructivism or the social shaping of technology.

In summary, technological determinism is the idea that technology is the driving force behind societal changes, often seen as an inevitable process that shapes human civilization in a linear progression. While it has been influential in discussions about the impact of technology on society, it remains a debated and contested theory.


Social exchange theory has been criticized for giving too much weight to

A) rational behavior.
B) conflict.
C) order.
D) qualitative research.

On Jul 18, 2024



According to Brym and Lie,political sociology has made good progress since the 1950s.Each theory they discuss has made useful contributions.For example,elite theory has contributed to our understanding of how:

A) democratic politics is about compromise and the accommodation of group interests
B) despite compromise and accommodation,power is concentrated among high-status groups
C) despite the concentration of power in society,shifts in the distribution of power do occur
D) despite the influence of the distribution of power on political life,the state exerts a powerful,independent influence on political life
E) none of these choices

On Jun 24, 2024



Most murders are intraracial.

On Jun 23, 2024



Which of the following is NOT one of the micro explanations for extramarital sex?

A) need for emotional or sexual satisfaction
B) the availability of computers to contact potential partners
C) provides proof that one is still desirable and attractive
D) provides a way out of marriage

On Jun 19, 2024



What term is used to refer to the combined effects of class, race, and gender on discrimination and oppression?

A) multiple maltreatment
B) intersectionality
C) marginalization
D) status degradation

On Jun 18, 2024



During a research study on views toward crime,a sociologist was careful to code the names of the subjects rather than use their real names in the research.This is important because:

A) researchers cannot use data in a way that allows them to be traced to a particular subject
B) researchers cannot use any personal data
C) researchers can only use personal data
D) researchers must judge data by the names of the subjects
E) none of these choices

On May 25, 2024



In Chapter 18 of the textbook,natives in traditional dress on Enaotai Island in West Papua New Guinea are photographed observing the movie Grease on television.This is an example of the global influence and control of television by the United States.Which term best describes this phenomenon?

A) media convergence
B) media integration
C) media imperialism
D) media functioning
E) None of the above.

On May 23, 2024