


Which of the following statements in regard to the "fixed amount" requirement for negotiable instruments is false?

A) If a variable rate of interest is prescribed,the amount of interest is calculated by trade standards.
B) The requirement of a "fixed amount" applies only to principal.
C) If the description of the interest in the instrument does not allow the amount of interest to be ascertained,then interest is payable at the judgment rate in effect at the time interest first accrues.
D) Interest may be stated in the instrument as a fixed or variable amount of money.

On Jul 02, 2024



The Conference Board of Canada found that organizations reported three important long-term HR priorities.What are these priorities?

A) leadership development,workforce planning,and succession management
B) employee engagement,aging workforce,and workforce planning
C) capacity to innovate,labour cost containment,and succession management
D) capacity to innovate,respond to rapid change,and contain labour costs

On Jul 02, 2024



Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the external financing need (EFN) and the dividend payout ratio? Assume EFN is a positive number.

A) The dividend payout ratio has no effect on the EFN.
B) An increase in the dividend payout ratio will decrease the EFN.
C) An increase in the dividend payout ratio will increase the EFN.
D) The effect on EFN caused by an increase in the dividend payout ratio cannot be predicted.
E) An increase in EFN causes the dividend payout ratio to decrease.

On Jun 30, 2024



The activity where there is an additional cost incurred by a buying firm as the result of a quality problem is known as:

A) a supplier level activity.
B) an order level activity.
C) a unit level activity.
D) an organisation level activity.

On Jun 02, 2024



Which of the following statements about The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and acceptance is false?

A) The CISG adopted the Code's Battle of the Forms.
B) Statements or other conduct by the offeree that shows assent is an acceptance.
C) A contract is concluded when an acceptance of an offer becomes effective.
D) Acceptances are effective when they are received.

On May 31, 2024



Evaluate the validity of the argument that a new industry (infant industry)in a nation needs protection from foreign competition if it is to establish itself.

On May 02, 2024

The infant-industry argument is based on the idea that new industries need time to become mature and sufficiently strong and large to compete with more mature industries from other nations. These new industries may need temporary protection to gain productive efficiency and become low-cost producers of a product. There are some logical problems with this argument. For instance, it is difficult to determine which industries are capable of achieving economic maturity and therefore deserve protection. Also, protective tariffs may persist even after industrial maturity has been realized. Most economists believe that if infant industries are to be subsidized, there are better means than tariffs for doing so.


In representative democracy, voters are ____________ and politicians are ______________.

A) agents; principals
B) logrollers; principals
C) agents; employees
D) principals; agents

On May 01, 2024



Assume there is a fixed exchange rate between the Yen and U.S. dollar. The expected return and standard deviation of return on the U.S. stock market are 21% and 15%, respectively. The expected return and standard deviation on the Japanese stock market are 13% and 12%, respectively. The covariance of returns between the U.S. and Japanese stock market is 2.5%.
If you invested 60% of your money in the Japanese stock market and 40% in the U.S. stock market, the expected return on your portfolio would be

A) 12.0%.
B) 16.2%.
C) 17.4%.
D) 18.5%.

On Apr 30, 2024



ClickZ defined which of the following as 'technology that supports communication and social interaction in either the context of watching television,or related to TV content'?

A) Social music.
B) Social celebrity.
C) Social games.
D) Social TV.
E) None of these.

On Apr 30, 2024



Short-term assets are expected to be converted into cash within

A) a month.
B) a year.
C) four months.
D) six months.

On Apr 29, 2024