


Carmencita is 12 years old and she is saving for a car.She wants to have $5,000 by the time she is 16 years old.She opens a savings account with an APR of 3.9% compounded weekly.How much should she deposit into her account each week to meet her goal?

On Jul 05, 2024



If FB = 3.25 < 3.40, the researcher would ______.

A) reject H0 (p < .05)
B) not reject H0 (p < .05)
C) reject H0 (p < .01)
D) not reject H0 (p > .05)

On Jul 03, 2024



Mr. and Mrs. Markovich note that the home they purchased 20 years ago for $70,000 is now appraised at $340,000. What was the (equivalent) annual rate of appreciation in the value of their home during the 20-year period?

On Jun 03, 2024



Determine the present value (accurate to the cent) of the ordinary general annuity:
Determine the present value (accurate to the cent) of the ordinary general annuity:

On Jun 02, 2024



The probability that Pete will catch fish when he goes fishing is .88.Pete is going to fish 3 days next week.Define the random variable x to be the number of days Pete catches fish.The expected number of days Pete will catch fish is

A) 0.56.
B) 0.88.
C) 2.64.
D) 0.3168.

On May 04, 2024



Pollsters want to know what percentage of all registered voters in Missoula,Montana,intend to vote in the next election.They visit with 350 people at the downtown shopping mall during one afternoon and ask each person whether or not they intend to vote.Are the target population and the sampled population the same in this case? Explain.

On May 03, 2024

In this situation,the target population and the sampled population are not the same.The target population consists of all registered voters in Missoula,Montana.The sampled population,however,consists of anyone in Missoula who was at that mall that afternoon (registered voters or not),thereby excluding a very large portion of the Missoula,Montana,registered voters.


The CPI increased from 125.0 to 132.0 over a three-year period. If a person earned $40,000 at the beginning of the three-year period, how much would they have to earn at the end of the three-year period to maintain the same purchasing power?

A) $42,800
B) $42,240
C) $40,933
D) $42,121
E) $40,250

On May 02, 2024



Jack Groman's financial plan is designed to accumulate sufficient funds in his RRSP over the next 28 years to purchase an annuity paying $6,000 at the end of each month for 25 years. He will be able to contribute $7,000 to his RRSP at the end of each year for the next 10 years. What year-end contribution must he make for the subsequent 18 years to achieve his objective? For these projections, assume that Jack's RRSP will earn 7.5% compounded annually and that the annuity payments are based on a return of 7.5% compounded monthly.

On Apr 30, 2024



A consumer interest group is interested in comparing the speed of four different desktop printers; four different documents are used for the experiment.Each test consists of randomly assigning one printer to one of the documents.The document is printed and the time to print in seconds is recorded.Each printer/document combination is tested.The F-value from an ANOVA is 6.173.What is the P-value?

A) p = 0.0998
B) p = 0.0088
C) p = 0.0901
D) p = 0.9093
E) p = 0.0012

On Apr 29, 2024



A dietician is asked to design a special diet supplement using two foods. Each ounce of food X contains 31 units of calcium and each ounce of food Y contains 20 units of calcium. The minimum daily requirement in the diet is 300 units of calcium. Write a linear inequality that represents the different numbers of units of food X and food Y required.

A) 31X+20Y≥30031 X + 20 Y \geq 30031X+20Y300
B) 20X+31Y≥30020 X + 31 Y \geq 30020X+31Y300
C) 31X−20Y≥30031 X - 20 Y \geq 30031X20Y300
D) 31X+20Y≥24931 X + 20 Y \geq 24931X+20Y249
E) 11X+20Y≥30011 X + 20 Y \geq 30011X+20Y300

On Apr 28, 2024