


Which of the following is not a special privilege of corporate organizations?

A) Shareholder democracy
B) Joint stock ownership
C) Limited liability
D) Continuous legal identity

On Jul 18, 2024



Presidential candidates who accept federal funding for their general election campaigns

A) are subject to strict expenditure limits.
B) can spend unlimited amounts of their own money but cannot spend any money donated to their campaign through a political action committee.
C) can spend unlimited amounts of money donated to their campaign through a political action committee but cannot spend any of their own money.
D) face no limits on their expenditures.

On Jun 22, 2024



Which of the following statements best characterizes the traditional news media's relationship to objectivity?

A) Given that completely objective reporting is unattainable because people inevitably have biases that shape their understanding of events,journalists do not attempt to be objective and instead report only one side of a story.
B) While completely objective reporting is unattainable because people inevitably have biases that shape their understanding of events,journalists attempt to be objective by reporting both sides of a story.
C) Journalists are trained to be objective in their reporting,so their personal biases rarely matter and their coverage of events almost always succeeds in objectively presenting both sides of a story.
D) The Federal Communications Commission requires that all journalists sign a "pledge of objectivity" before being employed at a media company.

On Jun 18, 2024



When an oil company is invited to participate in negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency over a proposed rule on offshore drilling,it illustrates that

A) the First Amendment to the Constitution only allows corporations to "petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
B) Supreme Court decisions banning iron triangles have largely failed to limit interest group influence.
C) federal agencies almost always attempt to consult relevant stakeholders before implementing a new rule.
D) interest groups no longer attempt to influence representatives in Congress or judges and focus almost all of their attention,instead,on administrative agencies.

On Jun 12, 2024



The _____ blazed a strong path in support of individual liberties.

A) Rehnquist Court
B) Warren Court
C) Burger Court
D) Marshall Court

On Jun 05, 2024



In a 2012 case about an Arizona law,the Supreme Court ruled that

A) states are not allowed to pass any law or policy related to immigration.
B) states can,for any reason,nullify a federal immigration law.
C) states can require police officers to check the immigration status of anyone stopped or arrested.
D) states cannot require police officers to check the immigration status of anyone stopped or arrested.

On Jun 03, 2024



The president has the power to appoint which of the following positions?

A) open Senate seats
B) all state Supreme Court justices
C) cabinet secretaries
D) open seats in the House of Representatives

On May 28, 2024



The United States has lower voter turnout than any other Western industrialized democracies.Explain the various obstacles to voting that makes the United States different.How could they be overcome?

On May 23, 2024

There are several obstacles to voting in the United States that contribute to lower voter turnout compared to other Western industrialized democracies. One major obstacle is the lack of automatic voter registration, which requires citizens to proactively register to vote, leading to many eligible voters being left out of the electoral process. Additionally, the United States holds elections on a workday, making it difficult for many people to find the time to vote. Other obstacles include voter ID laws, which can disproportionately affect minority and low-income voters, as well as gerrymandering and restrictive voting laws in certain states.

These obstacles could be overcome by implementing policies such as automatic voter registration, expanding early voting and absentee ballot options, and making Election Day a national holiday. Additionally, addressing gerrymandering and enacting federal legislation to protect voting rights could help to remove barriers to voting. Education and outreach efforts to inform citizens about their voting rights and the importance of participating in elections could also help to increase voter turnout. By addressing these obstacles, the United States could work towards achieving higher voter turnout and a more inclusive democratic process.


The care that an interviewer takes to prepare actions,lines,roles,and routines in advance of the interview to put forth a specific planned appearance to the person is called

A) researcher reactivity.
B) self-conscious performance.
C) social interpretations.
D) full-channel communication.

On May 17, 2024



If the federal government passed a law that did not provide money to state and local governments
But required them to construct wheelchair lifts at all train stations,it would be an example of

A) a regressive tax.
B) a progressive tax.
C) an unfunded mandate.
D) a block grant.

On May 12, 2024