


Explain the importance of the military-industrial complex.

On Jul 23, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Cold War expansion of the military was furthered by the growth of the military-industrial complex .Coined by President Eisenhower, the term refers to the potentially dangerous influence of the political alliance between the Pentagon and the corporations that manufacture its arms.Expensive new weapons systems are mutually rewarding to the armed forces and to companies, especially in such fields as aircraft, electronics, and shipbuilding, for which defense contracts can bring in billions of dollars a year in guaranteed sales.Defense contractors thus place their financial muscle and lobbying resources behind Pentagon budget requests.


How many justices currently serve on the Supreme Court?

A) 7
B) 9
C) 11
D) 15

On Jun 25, 2024



Republican House member Randy "Duke" Cunningham was

A) sent to jail in 2005 for accepting bribes by companies hoping to receive earmarks in return.
B) the primary supporter of a bill that would have prohibited the use of earmarks in Congress.
C) the initiator of a lawsuit heard by the Supreme Court about the constitutionality of earmarks.
D) the first member of Congress to propose that representatives publish a list of all earmark requests on a single website.

On Jun 21, 2024



The difference between a political value and a political attitude is that values are

A) conservative,while attitudes are liberal.
B) liberal,while attitudes are conservative.
C) held for a short term,while attitudes are held for a long term.
D) basic principles,while attitudes are specific preferences.

On Jun 13, 2024



Explain supply-side economics.

On Jun 07, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Supply-side economics is the economic theory used by the Reagan administration to justify reducing taxes on investment, profits, and income and reducing government regulation of industry to promote economic prosperity.


During his second term,President Obama issued executive orders

A) ending all deportations of undocumented immigrants.
B) providing full citizenship to millions of individuals who entered the United States illegally as children or who have children who are American citizens.
C) providing voting rights and health care benefits to all undocumented immigrants.
D) granting quasi-legal status and work permits to millions of individuals who entered the United States illegally as children or who have children who are American citizens.

On Jun 02, 2024



Describe how Congress exercises its checks and balances over the executive branch.Which chamber of Congress has more authority over the executive branch? Provide examples.How might partisanship help to diminish the exercise of congressional power over the presidency? Explain.

On May 29, 2024

There are three components to this question.
a.Checks and balances over the executive branch: Congress has the power of oversight to check the executive.Oversight refers to the effort to supervise how the executive branch carries out legislation.Oversight is carried out by committees or subcommittees of the Senate or the House,which conduct hearings and investigations to analyze and evaluate bureaucratic agencies and the effectiveness of their programs.The Constitution also grants Congress the power of impeachment over the president,vice president,and other executive officials.Impeachment means to charge a government official (president or otherwise)with "Treason,Bribery,or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" and bring him or her before Congress to determine guilt.
b.Which house has more authority: The Constitution gives the Senate more authority over the executive.The president has the power to make treaties and to appoint top executive officers,ambassadors,and federal judges,but only "with the Advice and Consent of the Senate" (Article II,Section 2).For treaties,two-thirds of those present must concur; for appointments,a simple majority is required.The House is not given any authority over treaties or appointments.
c.Partisanship: Oversight hearings can serve as political tools.The Select Committee on Benghazi,formed in 2014 to investigate the deaths of four American diplomats in Libya,became enmeshed in partisan contention after Hillary Clinton,who had served as secretary of state during the attacks,announced that she would run for president.


The Hastert Rule is

A) an informal Democratic Party rule that all congressional committees include an equal number of men and women.
B) a formal policy in Congress that prevents representatives and senators from serving more than 12 years on the same committee.
C) an informal Republican Party rule that the Speaker of the House will not allow any bill
To reach the floor unless it has the support of a majority of Republican members of the House.
D) a formal Senate policy that prevents the filibustering of nominees for positions in the executive branch and the federal courts.

On May 26, 2024



By 2018,how many states had decided to expand Medicaid coverage under the Affordable
Care Act?

A) 11
B) 19
C) 33
D) 50

On May 21, 2024



Using publicly published police records and the accompanying video or audio recordings of the police report to study crimes committed during the day or evening of the published account is an example of which type of unobtrusive method?

A) Official documentary records
B) Accretion
C) Physical erosion
D) Archival strategies

On May 13, 2024