


Explain the effects analgesics and anesthesia on childbirth.

On Jul 21, 2024

Medication is administered in over 80% of births in the United States. Analgesics, such as tranquilizers, may be used in small doses to relieve pain and to help the mother relax. These drugs pass through the placenta to the fetus and are associated with decreases in heart rate and respiration. Newborns exposed to some medications show signs of sedation and difficulty regulating their temperature. Anesthesia is a painkiller that blocks sensations. General anesthesia blocks consciousness entirely; it is no longer used because it is transmitted to the fetus and can slow labor and harm the fetus. Today the most common anesthetic is an epidural, in which a regional anesthetic drug is administered to a small space between the vertebrae of the lower spine. The woman's lower body is numbed. There are several types of epidurals, with varying numbing effects ranging from immobilizing the lower body to numbing only the pelvic region, enabling the mother to move about (a so-called "walking epidural"). Epidurals, however, are associated with a longer delivery as they weaken uterine contractions and may increase the risk of a cesarean section.


Identify the differences between the terms self-concept and self-esteem.Give examples to illustrate how caregivers can facilitate children's development of each of these areas.

On Jul 17, 2024

Self-concept and self-esteem are two important aspects of a child's development. Self-concept refers to how a child sees and understands themselves, including their abilities, characteristics, and values. On the other hand, self-esteem is the value and worth that a child places on themselves.

Caregivers can facilitate children's development of self-concept by providing them with opportunities to explore and understand their own abilities and characteristics. For example, caregivers can encourage children to try new activities and hobbies, and provide positive reinforcement and praise for their efforts. By doing so, children can develop a more accurate and positive self-concept.

Similarly, caregivers can facilitate the development of self-esteem by providing children with a supportive and nurturing environment. This can include offering encouragement, praise, and validation for their accomplishments and efforts. For instance, caregivers can celebrate a child's achievements, no matter how small, and provide reassurance and support during challenging times. By doing so, children can develop a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

In summary, self-concept and self-esteem are both important aspects of a child's development, and caregivers play a crucial role in facilitating their growth. By providing opportunities for self-exploration and offering support and encouragement, caregivers can help children develop a positive self-concept and high self-esteem.


Which of the following statements is an example of a person engaging in affective forecasting?

A) "The reason that he dropped out of school was because he felt insecure and incompetent."
B) "If he ever betrayed me, I would be so depressed I would never recover."
C) "If I hadn't gotten reprimanded by my boss that one time, I never would have hated my job as much as I did."
D) "If I had only trusted him and not said anything, we wouldn't have gotten into that stupid argument."

On Jun 21, 2024



Some studies have found small to moderate risk of developing ADHD associated with exposure to ________ during childhood.

A) herpes simplex virus
B) radon
C) lead
D) alcohol

On Jun 17, 2024



Which of the following is an advantage of group therapy used by psychotherapists?

A) It allows the therapist to work with several clients at once.
B) It guarantees that people reveal their personal problems to group members.
C) It ensures that people from the same family are not included in the same group.
D) It allows the therapist to facilitate one-to-one therapy without making the client feel lonely.

On May 22, 2024



Ally, an athlete, believes she does not have the ability to improve her running time, despite her practicing every day.Which of the following explains Ally's attitude?

A) growth mindset
B) instinctive drift
C) preparedness
D) fixed mindset

On May 18, 2024