


The law of demand states that as the price of a good rises,_____.

A) buyers purchase more of the good,because they expect prices to be even higher in the future
B) buyers purchase less of the good,because they expect prices to fall in the future
C) buyers purchase less of the good,because their real income decreases with an increase in price
D) buyers purchase more of the good,because the price of a substitute has risen
E) buyers purchase more of the good,because the higher price reflects an improvement in product quality

On Jul 31, 2024



The operation of a merit pay plan depends on the effectiveness of the performance appraisal system.

On Jul 30, 2024



Which of the following factors when combined with cohesiveness fosters groupthink?

A) A group that consistently exhibits high performance
B) An open group with the majority of the group consisting of low-skilled employees
C) A leader with an impartial stance instead of stating personal opinions and preferences
D) A highly insulated group with restricted access to external information

On Jul 01, 2024



Explain how tax provisions to encourage private saving may reduce national saving.

On Jun 30, 2024

Without careful planning it is possible that a reduction in taxation of capital income (for example) would reduce government revenue. If there is no offsetting reduction in government spending the result is a budget deficit. This is a decrease in public saving. If the increase in private saving resulting from the tax change is not greater than the decrease in public saving the result is a decline in national saving.