


Why is it more accurate to think of the Big Five traits as on a continuum rather than as distinct categories?

A) Most people measure somewhere in the middle for each trait, rather than entirely at one extreme or another.
B) Most people measure at one extreme or another for a given trait.
C) Most people like to think of themselves as moderate, not extreme.
D) Most people who exhibit high on one trait tend to exhibit low on all the rest.

On Jul 11, 2024



A researcher examines the physical attractiveness of a driver involved in an automobile accident (unattractive, average, or attractive) and the severity of damage caused ($500, $1500, or $2500) on judgments of responsibility assigned to the driver. Which of the following represents the factorial design?

A) 2 × 2
B) 2 × 3
C) 3 × 3
D) 1 × 3

On Jul 09, 2024



Which one of the following is a true statement?

A) During the 1970s and the initial stages of the "War on Drugs," it was estimated that 3 to 5 percent of the population had a substance abuse problem.Since the initiation of the "War on Drugs," substance abuse in the United States has declined.
B) During the 1970s and the initial stages of the "War on Drugs," it was estimated that 3 to 5 percent of the population had a substance abuse problem.Since the initiation of the "War on Drugs," substance abuse in the United States has increased.
C) During the 1970s and the initial stages of the "War on Drugs," it was estimated that 3 to 5 percent of the population had a substance abuse problem.Since the initiation of the "War on Drugs," substance abuse in the United States has stayed the same.
D) During the 1970s and the initial stages of the "War on Drugs," it was estimated that 3 to 5 percent of the population had a substance abuse problem.Since the initiation of the "War on Drugs," substance abuse in the United States increased for minority populations.

On Jun 11, 2024



When she missed her morning bus to work,Shelly's blood pressure rose,and she experienced a throbbing headache.Her physical responses to missing the bus were

A) stressors.
B) stress appraisals.
C) stress reactions.
D) fight-or-flight responses.

On Jun 09, 2024



According to self-determination theory, individuals who seek to increase their ________ will limit their ________.

A) intrinsic pleasure; extrinsic pleasure
B) hedonic pleasure; eudaimonic pleasure
C) eudaimonic pleasure; hedonic pleasure
D) well-being; happiness

On May 11, 2024



Expectations by the experimenter that might influence the results of an experiment or their interpretation are called __________.

A) experimental blinds
B) experimenter bias
C) sample bias
D) treatment bias

On May 10, 2024