


Describe the nominal group technique (NGT),how it differs from the Delphi technique and its primary advantage as a qualitative demand forecasting method.

On Jul 11, 2024

Although the nominal group technique (NGT) is also a long-run, qualitative demand forecasting method, it differs from the Delphi technique in several important respects. First, unlike in the Delphi technique, the group does, in fact, meet face to face and interact, but only after individual written, preparatory work has been done and all the demand estimates (idea generation) have been publicly tabled, or written on a flip chart, without discussion. Second, each demand estimate is considered to be the property of the entire group and to be impersonal in nature, which minimizes the potential for dominance, personal attacks, and defensive behaviour in support of estimates presented in the group forum. Finally, the expert forecast is determined by a secret vote of all group members on their choice of the tabled demand forecasts. The estimate receiving the highest ranking or rating during the voting process is deemed to be the group’s forecast.
A primary advantage to NGT is that it allows all participants to contribute to the process at an equal level by reducing the tendency for more extroverted individuals to dominate the process.
Refer to HR Planning Today 5.3.


"International trade" refers to

A) purchasing or selling currently produced goods or services across an international border.
B) any transaction across an international border.
C) any financial transaction across an international border.
D) buying or selling of preexisting assets across an international border.

On Jul 10, 2024



You do your job at work,show up on time and complete your tasks.But you notice that there are a group of your colleagues in the company that seem to get more attention from the boss.According to LMX theory,if you want to be a member of this group you should ______.

A) point out this perceived favoritism to your boss
B) request that your colleagues include you in more meetings
C) ask your boss if you can take on some extra work
D) keep performing within your job description until you get noticed

On Jun 11, 2024



What is the most appropriate opening for a letter of transmittal?

A) "It is a pleasure to inform you of the status of this report."
B) "Thank you for permitting me to work on this report."
C) "Here is the report on water pollution that you asked for."
D) "On January 3, you assigned me the task of studying the effects of water pollution."
E) "The effects of water pollution are serious and deserve our prompt action."

On Jun 10, 2024



When a contract is voidable,it may be ________ or canceled.

A) rescinded
B) decertified
C) void ab initio
D) antedated
E) quid pro quo

On May 12, 2024



The Bear Corporation finds that its total spending on machine parts increases after the price of machine parts falls, other things being equal. Which of the following is true about the Bear Corporation's demand for machine parts with the price change?

A) It is unit elastic.
B) It is price elastic.
C) It is price inelastic.
D) It is perfectly inelastic.

On May 10, 2024