


The Stroop effect occurs because

A) it is very difficult to see the colors of ink.
B) people are so used to reading words that they cannot suppress the habit.
C) people do not take the frequency of things in the population into account.
D) people's thoughts are related to their categories.

On Jul 17, 2024



What are the symptoms of Broca's aphasia?

On Jul 16, 2024

Broca's aphasia, also known as non-fluent or expressive aphasia, is a type of language disorder that results from damage to the Broca's area of the brain, which is typically located in the left frontal lobe. This area is crucial for speech production and language processing. Individuals with Broca's aphasia often have difficulty with the following:

1. Speech Production: Speech is often slow, halting, and effortful. Patients may struggle to get words out, and their speech may be limited to short utterances of less than four words.

2. Agrammatism: They tend to speak in telegraphic speech, which means their sentences are devoid of grammatical fillers and function words like "is," "and," or "the." For example, a person with Broca's aphasia might say "Walk dog" instead of "I will walk the dog."

3. Word Finding Difficulty: People with Broca's aphasia may know what they want to say but have trouble finding the right words. This is known as anomia.

4. Repetition: They may have difficulty repeating phrases or sentences when asked.

5. Comprehension: While comprehension of spoken language is typically less affected in Broca's aphasia compared to other types of aphasia, complex sentences with non-standard word order can be challenging to understand.

6. Writing: Writing abilities often parallel speaking abilities, so individuals with Broca's aphasia may also have difficulty writing.

7. Articulation and Phonological Errors: They may also have problems with articulation and make phonological errors, as the motor planning for speech is affected.

8. Frustration: Due to awareness of their difficulties and the inability to communicate effectively, individuals with Broca's aphasia may experience significant levels of frustration and emotional distress.

It's important to note that the severity and combination of these symptoms can vary from person to person. Some individuals may retain good use of tools and objects despite their language deficits, while others may have more widespread difficulties. Speech and language therapy can help individuals with Broca's aphasia improve their communication skills and develop alternative strategies for expressing themselves.


Is it possible that an enthymeme could be validly completed by more than one proposition?

A) Yes, since any proposition with the right subject and predicate terms would be a valid solution.
B) Yes, since some propositions are logically equivalent to each other.
C) Yes, since every enthymeme can be completed with either a universal or a particular proposition.
D) No, since the two given propositions will determine the subject and the predicate of the completing proposition.
E) No, since the two given propositions will determine the quality and quantity of the completing proposition.

On Jun 17, 2024



In a laboratory, smokers are asked to "drive" using a computerized driving simulator equipped with a stick shift and a gas pedal. The object is to maximize the distance covered by driving as fast as possible on a winding road while avoiding rear-end collisions. Some of the participants smoke a real cigarette immediately before climbing into the driver's seat. Others smoke a fake cigarette without nicotine. You are interested in comparing how many collisions the two groups have. In this study, the dependent variable is __________

A) the use of nicotine.
B) the use of a driving simulator.
C) the number of collisions.
D) the driving skills of each driver.

On Jun 16, 2024



In his 1952 article, Hans Eysenck

A) compiled extensive evidence outlining the strong suits of psychotherapy.
B) constructively analyzed the pros and cons of psychotherapy.
C) was unable to take a specific stance on psychotherapy.
D) asserted that drug therapy was for most people far superior to any of the psychotherapies.
E) argued that there was no evidence that psychotherapy had any demonstrable effect.

On May 18, 2024



Rules for organizing stimuli into coherent groups were first identified by

A) evolutionary psychologists.
B) behaviorists.
C) Gestalt psychologists.
D) John Locke.

On May 17, 2024