


In any case where there is a positive externality, forming a government agency to solve the problem rarely results in an efficient outcome.

On Jul 16, 2024



What are the strengths/advantages and weaknesses/disadvantages of using advertising in the promotional mix?

On Jul 14, 2024

Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal communication about an organization, good, service, or idea by an identified sponsor. There are several advantages to a firm using advertising in its promotional mix. Advertising (1) is an efficient means for reaching large numbers of people; (2) can be attention-getting; (3) can communicate specific product benefits to prospective buyers; (4) can be controlled in terms of (a) what is said and, to some extent, (b) to whom the message is sent by paying for the advertising space, and (c) allows the company to decide when to send its message (which includes how often).
(5) The nonpersonal aspect of advertising also has its advantages. Once the message is created, the same message is sent to all receivers in a market segment.
(6) If the pictorial, text, and brand elements of an advertisement are properly pretested, an advertiser can ensure the ad's ability to capture consumers' attention and trust that the same message will be decoded by all receivers in the market segment. However, the disadvantages of advertising are (1) it has high absolute costs; (2) it is difficult to receive good feedback; and (3) the lack of direct feedback makes it difficult to know how well the message was received. See Figure 18-2.


What are Revenue Rulings and Revenue Procedures?

On Jun 16, 2024

Revenue Rulings (Rev.Rul. )and Revenue Procedures (Rev.Proc. )are issued by the IRS and are excellent sources of information for taxpayers and tax preparers.With Revenue Rulings,the IRS is reacting to an area of the tax law that is confusing to many taxpayers and/or has material tax implications to many taxpayers.The Rev.Rul.lists a fact situation,the relevant tax authority,and the IRS's conclusion on the manner in which the item should be treated.
A a proactive document and is issued by the IRS to illustrate the manner in which it wants something reported.


The idea of triadic reciprocal causation has its basis in

A) operant learning theory.
B) organizational behaviour modification.
C) behaviour modelling training.
D) social cognitive theory.
E) employee recognition programs.

On Jun 14, 2024