


A feature of the purchase method of accounting includes the difference between the purchase price and the estimated fair market value of the net assets of the target firm must be classified as goodwill and recorded on the balance sheet.

On Jul 22, 2024



As recognized in the case in the text, Toys "R" Us, Inc. v. Canarsie Kiddie Shop, Inc., to obtain trademark protection, a descriptive term must have attained ________.

A) Secondary meaning
B) Primary meaning
C) Primary application
D) Secondary application
E) Secondary acknowledgement

On Jul 20, 2024



After leaving the doctor's office, Jerry has decided to join the gym. His doctor explained that his blood sugars are high and that he needs to lose weight in order to avoid acquiring diabetes. His doctor suggested that he take a year to lose the weight because it is dangerous to lose weight quickly. Jerry's goal of lowering his blood sugar is an example of what element of goal-setting theory?

A) behavioral goals
B) immediate goals
C) performance goals
D) operational goals

On Jun 22, 2024



Much of what passes for decision making in organizations consists of guessing what the ________ favours.

On Jun 20, 2024



According to the text, The value of a CRM system lies in its ability to manage knowledge.

On May 23, 2024



Why should a trained job analyst be hired to provide input in a comprehensive job analysis? What are the potential drawbacks to using a trained job analyst?

On May 21, 2024

An advantage of using trained job analysts is that they can observe many different incumbents working under different supervisors and in different locations. Trained job analysts can also read through organizational records and technical documentation and provide information culled from these indirect sources. Furthermore trained experts are more likely to appreciate fully the legal issues associated with conducting job analyses. One drawback to using trained job analysts is that, like supervisors, they cannot observe all aspects of a job. Also, they may rely too heavily on their own stereotypes about what a job involves, based on the job title, rather than attending to all the available information. Another drawback is the potential expense of hiring such an analyst.