


Positivists treat deviance as if it were unpleasant and harmful to society,while constructionists

A) have an appreciation for and empathy with deviants.
B) emphasize the importance of social control of deviant behavior.
C) stress the importance of being deviant themselves.
D) study the biological aspects of human behavior.

On Aug 06, 2024



What differences between first and second generation Asian Americans are discussed by Zhou?

On Jul 21, 2024

Min Zhou, a sociologist known for her work on immigration and the sociology of ethnicity, has discussed various differences between first and second-generation Asian Americans in her research. While I cannot provide a direct quote from Zhou without more context on a specific publication or work, I can summarize some of the general themes and differences that scholars like Zhou have observed between these two generations:

1. **Cultural Identity**: First-generation Asian Americans, who are immigrants themselves, often maintain a strong attachment to their country of origin's culture, language, and traditions. In contrast, second-generation Asian Americans, who are born in the United States to immigrant parents, tend to have a bicultural identity, balancing the cultural heritage of their parents with the American culture they are born into.

2. **Language Proficiency**: First-generation immigrants may not be fluent in English and often speak their native language at home. Second-generation Asian Americans are typically fluent in English and may not be as proficient in their parents' native language, which can sometimes lead to a language barrier within families.

3. **Educational Attainment**: Zhou has noted that second-generation Asian Americans often benefit from the high value their immigrant parents place on education. As a result, they may achieve higher levels of educational attainment compared to their parents, who may have faced barriers such as language and recognition of foreign credentials.

4. **Socioeconomic Status**: The socioeconomic status of second-generation Asian Americans can be different from that of their parents. While many first-generation immigrants may start with lower-income jobs, their children often have more opportunities for upward mobility and can achieve higher socioeconomic status through education and professional careers.

5. **Integration and Assimilation**: Second-generation Asian Americans are generally more integrated into American society and may assimilate more fully than their parents. This can lead to a greater sense of belonging in the U.S. but can also create generational gaps in terms of cultural practices and values.

6. **Racial and Ethnic Identity**: The way that first and second-generation Asian Americans experience and understand their racial and ethnic identities can differ. Second-generation individuals may have a more complex relationship with their identity as they navigate the intersection of being both American and of Asian descent, often dealing with issues of racialization and stereotypes in different ways than their parents.

7. **Expectations and Pressures**: Second-generation Asian Americans might face different expectations and pressures from their parents and society. They may be expected to honor their family's cultural traditions while also succeeding within the American context, which can lead to unique challenges and stressors.

8. **Social Networks**: First-generation immigrants often rely on co-ethnic communities and networks for support, while second-generation Asian Americans may have more diverse social networks, including peers from various ethnic backgrounds.

It's important to note that these differences are general trends and may not apply to every individual or family. The experiences of Asian Americans can be quite diverse and are influenced by factors such as ethnicity, socioeconomic background, and personal and family histories.


For conflict theorists,families perpetuate social stratification.

On Jul 18, 2024



If protesters' grievances are very deeply felt,and yielding to some of the protesters' demands increases their hopes,government concessions may:

A) encourage protesters to press their claims further
B) encourage protesters to give up their claims
C) stop protest movements in the future
D) make the government appear more democratic
E) make the government appear less democratic

On Jul 07, 2024



The idea that social interaction involves trade in attention and other valued resources is the central insight of:

A) symbolic interactionism
B) exchange theory
C) norm of reciprocity
D) rational choice theory
E) dramaturgical analysis

On Jul 05, 2024



The historic persecution of witches is presented in the text as an example of

A) a system that works for the good of the whole society.
B) how dominant groups can exert control over other groups by marking some populations as deviant.
C) how deviance may be functional for society.
D) the importance of shared values and beliefs within a society.

On Jul 02, 2024



The stage of thinking (or "cognitive development") in which a child is capable of exploring the world only through their senses is known as the ____ stage.

A) sensorimotor
B) preoperational
C) concrete operational
D) formal operational
E) preconventional

On Jun 18, 2024



Two sociologists studying a new religious movement are concerned that their interpretations are consistent. What issue are the two sociologists concerned about?

A) spuriousness
B) correlation
C) validity
D) reliability

On Jun 06, 2024



What was the sole ground available for divorce with the 1985 amendment to the Canadian Divorce Act?

A) gross addiction
B) abandonment
C) marital breakdown
D) sexual deviance

On Jun 05, 2024



Which of the following is a way workers are alienated by industrial production?

A) Workers are alienated when compelled to achieve their full human potential.
B) Workers are alienated from each other as they are unable to cooperate with one another.
C) Workers are alienated when forced to master a particular craft.
D) Workers are alienated when forced to consume what they produce.

On Jun 03, 2024