


HIV usually progresses over a decade or more; the longest phase in its development is characterized by​

A) ​a period of latency in which the person experiences few, if any, symptoms.
B) ​symptoms of fever, sore throat, skin rash, and headache.
C) ​a cluster of symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes, fever, fatigue, night sweats, and loss of appetite.
D) ​a CD4+ T-lymphocyte cell count of less than 200.

On Jul 30, 2024



Which statement is most accurate about education and health?

A) Education predicts both longevity and health, whereas intelligence does not.
B) Educated people use good health habits, rather than avoid bad health habits.
C) Educated people have more access to health information, and to health care.
D) Education predicts not whom one associates with, but attitudes about health.

On Jul 19, 2024



What is true about the most effective programs for helping people to quit smoking?​

A) ​Pharmacological interventions are more effective than behavioral interventions.
B) ​Behavioral interventions are more effective than pharmacological interventions.
C) ​Pharmacological and behavioral interventions together are even more effective.
D) ​Both interventions are equally effective, but these are not better in combination.

On Jul 15, 2024



The central nervous system consists of the​

A) ​heart and the blood vessels.
B) ​brain and the spinal cord.
C) ​brain and the blood vessels.
D) ​somatic and autonomic nervous systems.

On Jun 19, 2024



Discuss some popular alternative products and diets used in America today, including some examples of classification, regulation, uses, benefits, and prevalence.​

On Jun 15, 2024

A. Dietary supplementation for health is an age-old practice, which millions of people currently also follow.
B. Vitamin and mineral supplementation advised by physicians is classified as conventional treatment, but some natural products are classified as alternative treatments.
C. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates natural products as foods, not drugs.
1. These are sold without restrictions or effectiveness evaluations, but with safety
D. Natural product supplements include:
1. Omega-3 fatty acids for reducing cardiovascular disease risks
2. Echinacea for treating cold and flu viruses
3. Glucosamine for treating osteoarthritis symptoms
4. Melatonin for promoting sleep
5. Probiotics for digestive problems or improving digestion
6. and many others.
E. Functional foods are parts of a normal diet having bioactive ingredients like antioxidants.
1. Some examples include chocolate, cranberries, and soybean products.
F. Dietary supplements are among the types of alternative medicine most widely used.
G. Vegetarian diets tend to be lower in fat and higher in fiber, benefiting people with high
cholesterol and similar health problems.
1. The American Heart Association and American Cancer Society both recommend limiting meat consumption for health reasons.
H. About 3% of adults in the U.S. have followed a diet such as the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, Pritikin, or vegetarian diet plans.


The Food and Drug Administration considers marijuana as a Schedule I drug.​

On Jun 12, 2024



Evaluate the various types of exercise according to their contribution to different types of fitness.

On Jun 05, 2024

A. Isometric exercise is performed by contracting muscles against an immovable object.
1. It contributes to muscle strength.
2. It does not contribute to other types of fitness-muscle endurance, flexibility, or aerobic (cardiorespiratory) fitness.
B. Isotonic exercise requires contraction of muscles and movement of joints and includes weightlifting and traditional calisthenics.
1. It can improve muscle strength and muscle endurance.
2. It does not contribute to flexibility or aerobic fitness.
C. Isokinetic exercise is a departure from traditional weightlifting or calisthenics and requires specialized equipment.
1. It requires exertion both in lifting and in returning to the original position.
2. It is more useful in rehabilitation than in achieving fitness.
D. Anaerobic exercise requires large energy expenditure in a short amount of time, such as running sprints.
1. It can improve muscle strength
2. It does not require endurance or lead to aerobic fitness.
E. Aerobic exercise requires increased oxygen consumption over a period of 12 to 20 minutes, combining duration and intensity.
1. It produces cardiovascular benefits.
2. It can also produce muscle strength and muscle endurance as well as being the best type of exercise for weight control.
3. It generally does not produce increased flexibility.


Subcutaneous fat is storage fat found around and between organs in the abdomen.

On May 26, 2024



The major components of the cardiorespiratory system are the heart,the lungs,and the nervous system.

On May 19, 2024



Explain how Norman Cousins devised his own alternative treatment, the outcome, and how he subsequently influenced health care.

On May 13, 2024

A. In 1964, Saturday Review of Literature editor Norman Cousins was diagnosed with
ankylosing spondylitis, an inflammatory degenerative disease of the spinal connective tissue,
and given a 1 in 500 probability of recovery.
B. After hospitalization and large doses of anti-inflammatory drugs, Cousins questioned the effectiveness of the drugs, unending tests, hospital routine, and hospital food. He also objected to passively observing his health care and wanted to take an active part in healing.
C. Cousins chose to stay in a nice hotel instead of a hospital. Instead of taking drugs, he gave himself prescriptions of healthy foods, large vitamin C doses, an optimistic outlook, and a regular schedule of watching movies and TV shows that made him laugh.
D. Cousins eventually recovered completely from a condition thought to have no cure.
E. He published a 1976 article in the New England Journal of Medicine, and a 1979 book about his experience with the article as its first chapter.
F. Norman Cousins accepted an Adjunct Professor of Medical Humanities position offered him by the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
1. This enabled him to advocate for alternative treatments within the context of conventional medicine.
A. He wrote and spoke about the power we have within to heal ourselves.
B. He advocated for the need to widen medicine to include psychological factors in healing,
and to be patient-centered.
C. He promoted the healing powers of positive emotions for the rest of his life, until 1990.
Through sharing his own story and through his advocacy, Cousins helped influence medical care to shift from the domination of the biomedical model, which identified the causes of diseases as pathogens, to acceptance of a biopsychosocial model, which identifies psychological, cultural, and social factors as underlying disease and health as well.