


A parrot fluffs out her feathers and screeches when another female bird approaches. She is

A) communicating using only visual signals.
B) sick.
C) communicating using only auditory signals.
D) communicating using visual signals and auditory signals.
E) communicating using tactile cues.

On Aug 03, 2024



Which of the following groupings correctly identifies the classification of fungi?

A) Domain Eukarya, supergroup Opisthokonts, kingdom Fungi
B) Domain Bacteria, supergroup Opisthokonts, kingdom Fungi
C) Domain Eukarya, supergroup Amoebozoans, kingdom Fungi
D) Domain Eukarya, supergroup Amoebozoans, kingdom Plantae
E) Domain Eukarya, supergroup Rhizaria, kingdom Fungi

On Jul 29, 2024




A) Functions in carbon dioxide metabolism and transport, also needed for protein metabolism
B) Component of hemoglobin
C) A constituent of coenzymes; needed for bone formation and proper function of nerve and muscle
D) Needed for the production of thyroxine
E) Component of nucleic acids and ATP; used in bone formation

On Jul 03, 2024



You are interested in the historical pattern of colonization of a hypothetical primate species that evolved in South Asia and then spread to other parts of Asia, then to Europe, the Middle East, and finally to Africa. You hypothesize that a small number of individuals initially left SouthAsia, but you are unsure whether (1) this population rapidly and continuously expanded, spreading to the other regions of the world, or whether (2) colonization of each new region involved small groups of individuals breaking off and migrating to new locations. How could you use data on population genetic diversity to test these hypotheses?

On Jun 29, 2024

To test these hypotheses, you could use data on population genetic diversity to analyze the genetic variation within the hypothetical primate species in different regions. If the first hypothesis is true and the population rapidly and continuously expanded, you would expect to see high levels of genetic diversity in all regions, as the initial small population would have had time to accumulate genetic variation as it spread. On the other hand, if the second hypothesis is true and colonization of each new region involved small groups of individuals breaking off and migrating, you would expect to see lower levels of genetic diversity in the newly colonized regions, as only a subset of the genetic variation present in the original population would have been carried to these regions.

You could use methods such as calculating nucleotide diversity, analyzing allele frequencies, or conducting phylogenetic analyses to compare the genetic diversity in the different regions. Additionally, you could look for patterns of genetic differentiation between populations, such as identifying unique genetic variants or signatures of population bottlenecks, which could provide further insights into the historical patterns of colonization. By comparing the genetic diversity and structure of the populations in South Asia, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, you could potentially determine which hypothesis is more supported by the genetic data.


What have scientists discovered about the aster leafhopper endosymbionts, Nasuia and Sulcia?

A) Nasuia and Sulcia can live outside of aster leafhoppers.
B) Nasuia and Sulcia produce amino acids that are not found in the sap of the host plant, but that are needed by the leafhopper.
C) Nasuia and Sulcia have lost most of the genes required for free-living bacteria to survive.
D) a and b
E) b and c

On Jun 25, 2024



The plasma membrane of a cell can also be called the cell membrane.

On Jun 03, 2024



What is formed by closure of neural groove?

A) Mesonephros
B) Mandibular processes
C) Neural tube
D) Secondary palate
E) Somites

On May 30, 2024



Inflammation of the fibrous connective tissue resulting in stiffness and soreness is

A) cramps.
B) fibrositis.
C) fibrosis.
D) muscular dystrophy.
E) paralysis.

On May 26, 2024