


Diamond ' s research regarding the attachment drive and the sex drive indicates that attachment  ____.

A) can promote sexual desire, and sexual intimacy can promote attachment
B) can promote sexual desire, but sexual intimacy almost never promotes attachment
C) almost never promotes sexual desire, but sexual intimacy can promote attachment
D) almost never promotes sexual desire, and sexual intimacy almost never promotes attachment

On Jul 24, 2024



In social psychology, a prototype is:

A) a script.
B) a self-schema.
C) an exemplar.
D) a cognitive representation.

On Jul 21, 2024



Which pair of psychiatrists were responsible for developing the Social Readjustment Rating Scale?

A) Selye and Cannon
B) Lazarus and Folkman
C) Holmes and Rahe
D) Diener and Seligman

On Jun 30, 2024



According to Freud, the pleasure principle is the way in which ________.

A) the ego ideal tries to set up standards of what one would like to be
B) young children instinctively seek self-actualization
C) the ego tries to delay satisfying the id's desires until it can do so safely and successfully
D) the id tries to obtain immediate gratification and avoid pain

On Jun 23, 2024



Taylor is a family therapist who intends to resolve a mother-child coalition that has formed in the case of her client Hannah, since Hannah's husband does not spend quality time with them.According to this information, it can be inferred that Taylor is likely to implement the _____ technique.

A) guided association
B) desensitization
C) structural change
D) reattribution

On Jun 20, 2024



Harlow and Zimmerman's work with infant monkeys showed that the infants were most interested in receiving _____ from surrogate mothers.

A) food
B) bodily contact
C) visual stimulation
D) maternal odors

On May 23, 2024



Dr.Montgomery has developed a new drug that blocks the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine.What effects will this drug have

A)  It will function as a sedative. 
B)  It will produce hallucinogenic effects. 
C)  It will have stimulant effects in the body. 
D)  It will act as an effective painkiller.

On May 20, 2024



Describe the evolution of psychosurgery. What important principles about the brain are illustrated by the limited successes of psychosurgeries?

On May 17, 2024

The evolution of psychosurgery can be traced back to the early 20th century when the first lobotomy procedure was performed by Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz in 1935. This procedure involved severing the connections between the prefrontal cortex and the rest of the brain in an attempt to treat mental illness. This was followed by the development of other techniques such as cingulotomy and capsulotomy, which targeted specific areas of the brain believed to be involved in psychiatric disorders.

However, the use of psychosurgery declined in the 1950s with the introduction of antipsychotic medications and the growing concern over the ethical and moral implications of irreversible brain surgery for psychiatric conditions. Despite this decline, psychosurgery continued to be used in some cases where other treatments had failed, and more refined techniques such as deep brain stimulation have been developed in recent years.

The limited successes of psychosurgeries illustrate important principles about the brain, particularly the complexity and interconnectedness of its functions. While some patients did experience improvements in their symptoms following psychosurgery, many others suffered from significant cognitive and emotional impairments. This suggests that the brain is not simply a collection of isolated regions responsible for specific functions, but rather a highly integrated and dynamic system where disrupting one area can have widespread and unpredictable effects.

Furthermore, the limited successes of psychosurgeries highlight the plasticity of the brain, as some patients were able to compensate for the damage caused by the surgery and regain some level of functioning. This demonstrates the brain's ability to reorganize and adapt in response to injury, which has important implications for the development of alternative treatments for psychiatric disorders.

In conclusion, the evolution of psychosurgery has provided valuable insights into the principles of brain function and the limitations of invasive interventions for psychiatric conditions. While psychosurgery has had some successes, it has also underscored the need for more targeted and less invasive approaches to treating mental illness.