


Transportation costs are deductible when a taxpayer goes to a business meeting away from his or her regular workplace.

On Jul 15, 2024



Facets of the U.S. government's ethanol program include the following, except

A) tariffs on imported ethanol.
B) mandated use of ethanol in gasoline.
C) subsidies to oil refineries that use ethanol.
D) a price-ceiling to reduce the price of corn needed to make ethanol.

On Jul 11, 2024



When there is the potential for multiple interviews what can be done during the interview process to ensure jobs and companies are not being confused?

A) Ask the interviewer to clarify what position is being considered.
B) Keep a notebook or database with relevant information on each job.
C) Treat each interview as a new, independent experience.
D) Ask the interviewer what they know about you so you don't repeat information.
E) Never refer to the interviewer or company by name so you don't accidently use the wrong name.

On Jun 15, 2024



The Cuyahoga Experimental Research Company and the Chagrin River Genetics Laboratory Association planned to construct a laboratory for research into the Human Genome Project.The laboratory would be located on land that was owned by four shipping companies.The owners of the companies objected to the way in which their land was appropriated for the project by the government and the research companies.The owners also objected to the planned location of the research facility because they were afraid that some sort of genetic accident might harm the crops and farm animals that were shipped through their terminal which was adjacent to the research facility.Which form of ADR would be ideally suited to hear this dispute? Explain.

On Jun 11, 2024

A collective science court would be ideally suited to attempt to resolve the dispute.A panel of objective judges with scientific backgrounds would provide a neutral body capable of making an unbiased,but well-informed,decision in this case.


Multiple-issue negotiations lend themselves more to more ____________ negotiations.

On May 16, 2024



Disposal Company operates a hazardous waste storage facility. Concerned that there may be a release of chemicals from the site, the company sells the property to Eager Developers Inc. If there is a release, the seller is most likely

A) liable.
B) not liable because the site was sold before the release.
C) not liable because the company was concerned about the release.
D) not liable because the company no longer operates the facility.

On May 12, 2024



During the ________ marketing stage, the firm tests not only the product itself but also the marketing strategy related to it.

On May 10, 2024
