


Why is it necessary, in a formal report, to include a section that gives the background of the situation or the history of the problem?

On Jul 18, 2024

Formal reports usually have a section that gives a background or history of the problem, even if the current audience already knows the situation. This is because reports are filed and consulted years later, and though later audiences will probably not know the background, it may be crucial for understanding the options that are possible. The purpose of most reports is rarely to provide a history of the problem. Do not let the background section achieve undue length.


Anderson incorporated his new company,Pearl,Inc. ,in the business of manufacturing rubber.After some years,he opened his own subsidiary rubber manufacturing company.The new subsidiary company is a success.Meanwhile,the workers of Pearl,Inc.claimed that payment of bonus is due and they are demanding the same from the subsidiary company.In this case,are both Pearl,Inc.and its subsidiary liable?

A) Yes,they are liable because it is provided under corporation law.
B) Yes,they are liable because both are the same entity in the eyes of the law.
C) No,they are not liable because it is not a subsidiary of Pearl,Inc.
D) No,they are not liable because a subsidiary is not liable for parent's debts as provided under the law.

On Jul 14, 2024



Two factors that typically lead to ethical violations are relevance and timeliness of accounting information.

On Jun 15, 2024



A decrease of 1% in both your tax exemption and your income tax rate would, on net, ________.

A) make you better off
B) make you worse off
C) make you neither better off nor worse off
D) make you either better or worse off depending on your age

On Jun 13, 2024



June was driving her car home after an office party and she was in an accident where, in addition to substantial damage to both cars, the other driver was seriously injured. Which of the following is correct with respect to the court experiences she is likely to have?

A) If she is charged criminally for drunk driving and found not guilty, that is the end of the matter. She cannot be sued civilly.
B) She can opt for a jury trial only if the criminal trial proceeds in the provincial court.
C) If she is charged criminally and found not guilty, she can still be sued for negligence by the injured driver.
D) If she is sued civilly and found not liable, she cannot be tried criminally for the same accident.
E) The principle of double jeopardy means she can only be taken to court once, and so the choice must be made to proceed either civilly or criminally.

On May 15, 2024



Your firm is considering a project with a five-year life and an initial cost of $260,000. The discount rate for the project is 14 percent. The firm expects to sell 3,600 units a year. The cash flow per unit is $30. The firm will have the option to abandon this project after three years at which time they expect they could sell the project for $150,000. You are interested in knowing how the project will perform if the sales forecast for years four and five of the project are revised such that there is a 60/40 chance that the sales will be either 2,800 or 4,400 units a year, respectively. What is the net present value of this project given your sales forecasts?

A) $96,141
B) $114,715
C) $132,708
D) $141,414
E) $155,556

On May 14, 2024