


Which model of human resources service delivery is commonly considered to represent the "personnel department" prior to 1964?

On Jul 20, 2024

The clerical model, which is often subject to negative stereotypes.


During an examination, the nurse notices a patterned injury on a patient's back. What would cause such an injury?

A) Blunt force
B) Friction abrasion
C) Stabbing from a kitchen knife
D) Whipping from an extension cord

On Jul 09, 2024



The nurse is caring for a newborn infant. Thirty hours after birth, the infant passes a dark green meconium stool. What is the importance of this finding?

A) The stool indicates anal patency.
B) The dark green color indicates occult blood in the stool.
C) Meconium stool can be reflective of distress in the newborn.
D) The newborn should have passed the first stool within 12 hours of birth.

On Jun 11, 2024



The nurse is caring for a Native American in a rural rehabilitation facility.The nurse notices that the patient has eaten very little since his admission 10 days ago.When she asks the patient about his eating,he states,"I can't eat any of this food.It just isn't what I eat at home and we don't prepare our foods this way." The nurse explains that the patient is on a very specific cardiac diet as a result of his heart attack and that he has lost 7 pounds since admission.Based on this scenario,what is/are the most appropriate nursing diagnosis(es) for this patient? Select all that apply.

A) Noncompliance related to difficulty adhering to the medical regimen
B) Possible Knowledge deficit related to disease process
C) Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirement related to cultural dietary practices
D) Decreased appetite related to anxiety secondary having a heart attack

On Jun 08, 2024



A young adult with a severe episode of asthma bronchoconstriction comes to the emergency department with signs of respiratory distress.When the nurse performs the admission assessment,she notes that the patient is not able to say where she is or the time.Which nursing diagnosis is probably most suitable for this patient?

A) Chronic Confusion
B) Acute Confusion
C) Impaired Verbal Communication
D) Readiness for Enhanced Communication

On May 12, 2024



The nurse is administering a Mini-Cog test to an older adult woman. When asked to draw a clock showing the time of 10:45, the patient drew a clock with the numbers out of order and with an incorrect time. This result indicates which finding?

A) Amnesia
B) Delirium
C) Cognitive impairment
D) Attention-deficit disorder

On May 09, 2024



In the term anatomy,the suffix -tomy means:

A) resemble.
B) incision.
C) use.
D) process.

On May 06, 2024



A nurse is admitting a child with Crohn disease. Parents ask the nurse, "How is this disease different from ulcerative colitis?" Which statement should the nurse make when answering this question?

A) "With Crohn disease the inflammatory process involves the whole GI tract."
B) "There is no difference between the two diseases."
C) "The inflammation with Crohn disease is limited to the colon and rectum."
D) "Ulcerative colitis is characterized by skip lesions."

On May 02, 2024



"Residents temporarily absent from their home province are to have their incurred services paid for by the home province,in the same amount that would have been paid by the home province." This statement reflects which principle of the Canada Health Act (1984) ?

A) Portability.
B) Universality.
C) Public administration.
D) Accessibility.

On Apr 29, 2024