


Which of the following characteristics constitutes one's socioeconomic status?

A) level of income,level of education,and prestige of occupation
B) level of income,level of political participation,and number of friends
C) level of income,level of political participation,and level of intelligence
D) level of education,number of friends,and age

On Jun 25, 2024



The filibuster

A) has never been a frequently used tactic in the U.S.Senate.
B) was rarely used throughout most of American history but has become a frequently
Used tactic in the U.S.Senate during the last 20 years.
C) was a frequently used tactic in the U.S.Senate throughout most of American history
But has almost never been used during the last 20 years.
D) has always been a frequently used tactic in the U.S.Senate.

On Jun 23, 2024



The 1896 critical election

A) saw elite democratic principles triumph over popular democratic hopes.
B) encouraged big business interests to accommodate the concerns of small farmers.
C) spurred large numbers of city dwellers to vote Democratic.
D) began to erode the Democrats' "solid South."

On Jun 16, 2024



The main outcome of the Annapolis Convention was

A) the addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.
B) the adoption of the Star Spangled Banner as the country's national anthem.
C) the Declaration of Independence.
D) a carefully worded resolution calling on the Congress to send commissioners to Philadelphia at a later time to improve and reform the Articles of Confederation.

On Jun 12, 2024



Who exposed the Watergate scandal?

A) journalists at the Washington Post
B) journalists at the Boston Globe
C) journalists at the Indianapolis Star
D) journalists at the Los Angeles Times

On Jun 07, 2024



Describe how the Constitution deals with social and political equality and how this has changed since the Constitution was ratified.

On Jun 03, 2024

The Constitution addresses social and political equality through various amendments and interpretations by the courts. The 14th Amendment, for example, guarantees equal protection under the law and has been used to challenge discriminatory laws and practices. The Constitution also outlines the structure of government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens, which are intended to promote political equality.

Since the Constitution was ratified, there have been significant changes in how social and political equality is addressed. For example, the 15th Amendment granted voting rights regardless of race, the 19th Amendment granted voting rights regardless of gender, and the 26th Amendment lowered the voting age to 18. Additionally, landmark Supreme Court cases such as Brown v. Board of Education and Obergefell v. Hodges have expanded the scope of equality in areas such as education and marriage.

Overall, the Constitution has evolved to address social and political equality in a more inclusive and comprehensive manner, reflecting the changing values and demographics of American society. However, challenges to equality still exist, and ongoing efforts are needed to ensure that the principles of the Constitution are fully realized for all citizens.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964

A) eliminated the Department of Justice and replaced it with the Department of Civil Rights.
B) created an independent circuit of federal courts devoted entirely to school desegregation litigation.
C) prohibited the Justice Department from implementing federal court orders to desegregate schools unless at least three individual parents filed formal complaints.
D) authorized the Justice Department to implement federal court orders to desegregate schools without having to wait for individual parents to bring complaints.

On May 26, 2024



Which statement about the FCC is correct?

A) The FCC was established in 1949 by President Harry Truman.
B) The FCC licenses radio stations but not television stations.
C) The FCC licenses television stations but not radio stations.
D) The FCC does not regulate newspapers.

On May 24, 2024



To encourage participants to speak freely,a moderator must_________________.

A) assign fake names to participants
B) provide a typed set of rules to participants
C) explain that an open,polite,and orderly environment is expected
D) ensure confidentiality through signed forms

On May 16, 2024



What is the importance of discretion?

On May 11, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Discretion is the latitude that administrators have in carrying out their agency's mission.Administrators are also politically influential because they exercise considerable discretion.Handed broad policy guidelines by elected officials, administrators give policy substance through numerous, concrete decisions.For example, Congress directs the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)to protect employees from cancer-causing chemicals in the workplace.It is up to OSHA to set allowable exposure levels for various carcinogens.In determining these levels, OSHA administrators make decisions about which companies and unions are likely to disagree; inevitably, the decisions will be political and not just technical.