


Against which European power did England fight several wars in the 1650s and 1660s,resulting in England's acquisition of the colony which they renamed New York in 1664?

A) the French
B) the Dutch
C) the Spanish
D) the Portuguese

On Jun 19, 2024



Discuss the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and explain the far-reaching consequences of its passage in 1854.

On Jun 16, 2024

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a piece of legislation passed by the United States Congress in 1854. It was designed to address the issue of slavery in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, which were being opened up for settlement. The act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which had prohibited slavery in the territories north of the 36°30' parallel.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed the settlers in these territories to decide for themselves whether they wanted to allow slavery or not, a concept known as popular sovereignty. This effectively opened up the possibility of slavery spreading into new territories, and it led to a rush of pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers into Kansas, sparking a violent and bloody conflict known as "Bleeding Kansas."

The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act had far-reaching consequences. It intensified the debate over slavery and further polarized the North and South. It also led to the collapse of the Whig Party and the rise of the Republican Party, which was founded on an anti-slavery platform. The act also contributed to the growing tensions that eventually led to the American Civil War.

In conclusion, the Kansas-Nebraska Act was a significant piece of legislation that had a profound impact on the United States. It not only led to violence and bloodshed in Kansas but also deepened the divide between the North and South, ultimately contributing to the outbreak of the Civil War.


The Moral Majority

A) wanted to ban prayer in public schools.
B) believed pornography was an expression of freedom of speech.
C) waged a "war against sin."
D) supported Carter.
E) favored abortion.

On May 20, 2024



The Proclamation of Neutrality, issued in __________, allowed the U.S. to maintain trade with both France and Great Britain.

A) 1789
B) 1791
C) 1793
D) 1796

On May 17, 2024