


Plant assets are defined as:

A) Tangible assets that have a useful life of more than one accounting period and are used in the operation of a business.
B) Current assets.
C) Held for sale.
D) Intangible assets used in the operations of a business that have a useful life of more than one accounting period.
E) Tangible assets used in the operation of business that have a useful life of less than one accounting period.

On Jul 12, 2024



What is the best-known social network for career networking?

A) Facebook
B) LinkedIn
C) Craigslist
D) Linkage
E) Career World

On Jul 11, 2024



Gaining internal buy-in is critical to building a brand. How should one do this?

A) Conduct research that identifies consumers want a brand
B) Identify how competitors all have brands
C) Identify a range of non-marketing related benefits of branding
D) None of these

On Jun 12, 2024



Managers should seek to control such work environment factors as

A) illumination.
B) noise and vibration.
C) temperature.
D) air quality.
E) all of the above.

On Jun 11, 2024



Why does the law disfavor noncompetition agreements?

On May 13, 2024

Employers often attempt to restrict otherwise allowable postemployment relationship competition by having their employees enter into a written noncompetition agreement in which the employees agree not to compete with the employer (or accept employment with a competitor of the employer)for some period of time after the employment relationship ends.
Such agreements are disfavored in the law because they may interfere unduly with individuals' important interests in working and making a living.Accordingly,courts tend to enforce noncompetition agreements that extend beyond trade secret protection only if their provisions restricting competition are narrowly defined in terms of duration,geographic area,and relationship to legitimate interests of the employer.Noncompetition agreements that strike the court as too broad may be ruled unenforceable.


Which of the following is a bad listening habit?

A) Making spontaneous judgments about others based on mannerisms
B) Observing the speaker and interpreting his or her nonverbal cues
C) Putting in much emotional and physical effort
D) Putting oneself in another person's shoes

On May 12, 2024