


A fleet repair facility has the capacity to repair 850 trucks per month. However, due to scheduled maintenance of their equipment, management feels that they can repair no more than 725 trucks per month. Last month, two of the employees were absent several days each, and only 483 trucks were repaired. What are the utilization and efficiency of the repair shop?

On Jul 25, 2024

Design Capacity = 850 trucks
Effective Capacity = 720 trucks
Actual Output = 483 trucks
Utilization =  actual output  design capacity \frac { \text { actual output } } { \text { design capacity } } design capacity  actual output  = 483/850 = 56.82%
Efficiency =  actual output  design capacity \frac { \text { actual output } } { \text { design capacity } } design capacity  actual output  = 483/720 = 67.08%


Briefly discuss abusive supervision.

On Jul 24, 2024

Answers will vary. Research has investigated not only what makes leaders effective but also negative leadership behaviors. The most common include sexual harassment, physical violence, angry outbursts, public ridicule, taking credit for employees' successes, and scapegoating employees. Abusive supervision, as these behaviors are called, is estimated to affect about 13 percent of U.S. workers and leads to many negative consequences. Abused workers report diminished well-being along with increased deviance behavior, problem drinking, psychological distress, and emotional exhaustion. In addition, abusive supervision increases absenteeism and reduces productivity. In fact, the cost of abusive supervision to U.S. corporations has been estimated at $23.8 billion. It is not clear why supervisors abuse others. Some research suggests that injustice experienced by supervisors increases the likelihood that they will, in turn, abuse others. Other studies suggest that abuse stems from the failure of managers to control themselves and handle stress. One type of stress that leads to abusive supervision is family-work conflict. Supervisors who experience high levels of conflict between family and work display more abusive behaviors toward direct reports. Please see the section "Emerging Issues in Leadership" for more information.


Which of the following does a cap-and-trade program reduce?

A) Carbon emissions
B) Waste
C) Water pollution
D) Deforestation
E) Fracking

On Jun 25, 2024



Which of the following has become more important as organizations remove supervisors and shift toward team-based structures?

A) Task-oriented behaviors.
B) Implicit leadership.
C) Leadership substitutes.
D) Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership theory.
E) Fiedler's contingency model of leadership.

On Jun 24, 2024



Discuss some of the ways the FTC has curbed online marketing efforts.

On May 26, 2024

The FTC's 2010 guidelines for online endorsements are aimed at tweets and blogger statements that are like ads.  When an advertiser pays a blogger or gives something of value to mention a product,readers need to be informed of that fact.  Disclosure must be clear.  Discussed experiences must be real.  If a blogger is paid to try something they disliked,the blogger or tweeter cannot say it was great.  Statements that require proof cannot be made when the blogger or tweeter does not have that proof.  The FTC has also targeted misleading door openers,which are advertisements concealed in surveys and in other ways to get consumers interested.  Advertisements that present themselves as news websites and reports have also been targeted.


Panton, Inc. acquired 18,000 shares of Glotfelty Corp. several years ago for $30 per share when Glotfelty had a book value of $450,000. Before and after that time, Glotfelty's stock traded at $30 per share. At the present time, Glotfelty reports the following stockholders' equity: Panton, Inc. acquired 18,000 shares of Glotfelty Corp. several years ago for $30 per share when Glotfelty had a book value of $450,000. Before and after that time, Glotfelty's stock traded at $30 per share. At the present time, Glotfelty reports the following stockholders' equity:   Glotfelty issues 5,000 shares of previously unissued stock to the public for $40 per share. None of this stock is purchased by Panton.Prepare Panton's journal entry to recognize the impact of this transaction. Glotfelty issues 5,000 shares of previously unissued stock to the public for $40 per share. None of this stock is purchased by Panton.Prepare Panton's journal entry to recognize the impact of this transaction.

On May 25, 2024