


Although the conflict perspective has a long history,it became popular during the late 1960s when __________ and __________ started to challenge structural-functionalism.

A) men; women
B) African Americans; feminists
C) Promise Keepers; televangelists
D) parents; children

On Jul 26, 2024



What are the advantages of midrange theory?

On Jul 25, 2024

Midrange theory merges micro and macro levels of analysis. This approach to theorizing makes sociological research more feasible because it does not simply rely on the polarities of small- and large-scale analyses.


Robert Brym relates an anecdote about a high school model parliament in which he was unable to motivate his schoolmates to undertake political protest.His anecdote underscores the difficulties bound up with creating:

A) economic development
B) collective action
C) democratic government
D) population stability
E) school discipline

On Jul 23, 2024



Why are sociologists uninterested in the religious claims of various religions?

A) These issues are unimportant.
B) These are psychological issues.
C) These issues have no "truths" within them.
D) These issues are not scientifically testable.

On Jul 22, 2024



According to Habermas, the ______ is the domain of formal rationality.

A) system
B) lifeworld
C) colonization of the lifeworld
D) habitus

On Jul 20, 2024



Labeling theory has been most often criticized for failing to locate the actual causes of deviance.

On Jun 25, 2024



Explain how globalization affects you. Use the concepts of culture, cultural diversification, and globalization in your answer.

On Jun 23, 2024

Globalization has had a significant impact on my life in terms of culture and cultural diversification. As a result of globalization, I have been exposed to a wide range of cultural influences from around the world. This has led to a greater appreciation and understanding of different cultures, traditions, and ways of life.

One way in which globalization has affected me is through the food I eat. I now have access to a variety of international cuisines, which has expanded my palate and allowed me to experience new flavors and cooking techniques. This has also led to an increased awareness and appreciation of different culinary traditions and the cultural significance of food.

Additionally, globalization has allowed me to connect with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Through social media, travel, and international business, I have had the opportunity to interact with individuals from different parts of the world. This has broadened my perspective and enriched my understanding of different cultural practices, beliefs, and values.

Furthermore, globalization has influenced the products and media that I consume. From fashion and entertainment to technology and language, the global exchange of goods and ideas has shaped my preferences and lifestyle choices. This has led to a greater acceptance and integration of diverse cultural influences into my daily life.

In conclusion, globalization has had a profound impact on me by exposing me to a wide range of cultural influences, promoting cultural diversification, and enriching my understanding of the world. It has allowed me to embrace diversity, expand my cultural awareness, and foster a greater sense of global interconnectedness.


What accounts for unevenly distributed health risks in the human population?

On Jun 22, 2024

Unevenly distributed health risks in the human population can be attributed to a complex interplay of various factors, including but not limited to:

1. **Socioeconomic Status**: Individuals and communities with lower socioeconomic status often face higher health risks due to factors such as limited access to healthcare services, poor living conditions, and lack of education about health practices. Poverty can lead to malnutrition, substandard housing, and increased exposure to environmental toxins.

2. **Environmental Factors**: Certain regions may have higher exposure to pollutants, toxins, or adverse weather conditions that can affect health. For example, industrial areas might have higher levels of air and water pollution, while areas prone to natural disasters may experience disruptions in healthcare services.

3. **Genetic Predispositions**: Some health risks are influenced by genetics. Certain populations may have a higher prevalence of genetic conditions or predispositions to diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or certain cancers.

4. **Access to Healthcare**: Unequal access to healthcare services can lead to disparities in health outcomes. This includes not only the availability of facilities and professionals but also the affordability and quality of care.

5. **Cultural Practices**: Cultural norms and practices can influence health behaviors. For example, dietary habits, attitudes towards exercise, and the use or avoidance of tobacco and alcohol can all impact health risks.

6. **Education**: Education level is closely linked to health outcomes. More educated individuals are often better able to understand health information, navigate healthcare systems, and engage in healthier behaviors.

7. **Occupational Hazards**: Certain occupations expose workers to higher health risks, such as physical injury, exposure to harmful substances, or high-stress environments.

8. **Public Policy**: Government policies can have a significant impact on health risks. For example, policies that regulate pollution, provide vaccinations, and ensure food safety can reduce health risks, while the lack of such policies can increase them.

9. **Healthcare System Inequities**: Inequities within healthcare systems, such as discrimination or biases based on race, gender, or ethnicity, can lead to disparities in the quality of care received by different groups.

10. **Lifestyle Choices**: Individual choices, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and diet, can greatly influence health risks. These choices are often shaped by a combination of personal preferences and social influences.

11. **Globalization and Urbanization**: The movement of people and goods can spread infectious diseases more rapidly, and urbanization can lead to overcrowding and increased stress, which in turn can affect health.

12. **Public Health Infrastructure**: The presence or absence of robust public health infrastructure, including sanitation, pest control, and disease surveillance, can greatly influence the distribution of health risks.

Addressing these unevenly distributed health risks requires a multifaceted approach that includes improving access to healthcare, addressing socioeconomic disparities, implementing effective public health policies, and fostering environments that support healthy lifestyles.


Do you think that working conditions in underdeveloped countries will be improved in the next few decades? Which organizations are likely to influence this process?

On Jun 20, 2024

It is difficult to predict the future with certainty, but there are several factors that could contribute to improved working conditions in underdeveloped countries in the next few decades.

Firstly, as globalization continues to connect the world economy, there is increasing pressure on companies to adhere to international labor standards. This pressure comes from both consumers and advocacy groups who are demanding more transparency and ethical practices from corporations. Additionally, as underdeveloped countries continue to develop and grow their economies, there may be more resources available to invest in improving working conditions.

Several organizations are likely to influence this process. International labor organizations such as the International Labour Organization (ILO) play a crucial role in setting and promoting international labor standards. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on workers' rights and labor advocacy, such as the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), also have a significant impact on improving working conditions in underdeveloped countries. Furthermore, multinational corporations and their supply chain partners have the power to influence working conditions through their purchasing practices and corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Overall, while there are challenges to improving working conditions in underdeveloped countries, there are also promising signs that progress can be made with the influence of international organizations, advocacy groups, and economic development.


According to the World Health Organization,____ is the ability of an individual to achieve his (or her) potential and to respond positively to the challenges of the environment.

A) health
B) life
C) medicine
D) illness
E) life span

On May 26, 2024