


Stacy wants to set up a sole proprietorship. She must

A) make a partnership agreement.
B) file appropriate papers with the state.
C) file appropriate papers with the federal government.
D) None of these choices is correct.

On Jun 27, 2024



What sorts of tasks would you be responsible for as a paralegal working for a law firm in personal- injury litigation?

On Jun 22, 2024

A paralegal working for a law firm in personal-injury litigation might be responsible for the following tasks:
• Interview the client to obtain details about the accident and injuries.
• Locate and interview witnesses.
• Obtain medical records.
• Attend depositions and summarize the testimony of witnesses, parties, and experts.
• Obtain employment data to verify lost wages.
• Obtain the police report.
• Prepare documents to initiate a lawsuit and respond to the other party's documents.
• Prepare exhibits for trial and create a trial notebook.
• Provide any and all litigation assistance needed.


Your professional portfolio should include all of the following except

A) your photograph.
B) a list of references.
C) letters of recommendation.
D) writing samples.

On Jun 18, 2024



Why are careful filing procedures so essential to the practice of law? How might filing procedures in large and small firms differ?

On Jun 11, 2024

Every law firm, regardless of its size or structure, has some kind of established filing procedures.
Efficient procedures are vital because the paperwork generated is substantial, and important documents must be safeguarded yet be readily retrievable when needed. If a client file is misplaced or lost, the client may suffer costly harm. Additionally, documents must be filed in such a way as to protect client confidentiality. The duty of confidentiality extensively affects legal work and procedures. This is particularly true of filing procedures. All information received from or about clients, including files and documents, is considered confidential. A breach of confidentiality by a
paralegal or other employee can cause the law firm to incur extensive liability.
In small firms, filing procedures may be rather informal, and paralegals may need to assume the responsibility for organizing and developing an efficient and secure filing system. Larger firms normally have specific procedures concerning the creation, maintenance, use, and storage of office files. In larger firms, a supervisor generally trains paralegals in office procedures, including filing. Although the trend today, particularly in larger firms, is toward computerized filing systems, many firms create "hard copies" to ensure that files are not lost if computer systems crash.


Rawls contends that we can discover the nature of a ______ society by ascertaining the kind of society that would be chosen by those in the original position.

A) rational
B) just
C) moral
D) family

On May 27, 2024



Although smaller law firms may pay lower salaries, it is also important to consider when thinking about compensation differentials.

A) free parking
B) location
C) a relaxed dress code
D) All of these choices are correct.

On May 19, 2024



The lists the names, addresses, telephone numbers, areas of legal practice, and other data for many lawyers and law firms around the country.

A) Guide to Paralegal Positions
B) Yellow Pages
C) Paralegal Law Directory
D) Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory

On May 15, 2024



Which term refers to young adults who return to their parental home, after leaving for work, education, or a relationship?

A) boomerang generation
B) crowded nest
C) empty nest
D) cluttered nest

On May 12, 2024



Describe the information that should be included in a witness statement.

On May 08, 2024

A witness statement should contain the following:
• Name, address, and phone number of the witness
• Name, address, and phone number of the witness's employer or place of business
• Witness's interest, if any, in the outcome of the claim
• Name of the interviewer and law firm or attorney for which the claim is being investigated
• Date, time, and place of the interview
• Nature of the event observed by the witness
• Date the event was observed
• Witness's description of the event observed
• Attestation clause
• Witness's signature


Original client documents should

A) never be altered.
B) be hole punched and placed in a special binder with the case number clearly written on it.
C) never be copied.
D) be available to anyone in the firm.

On May 05, 2024