simran ramchandani




Interest rates or rates of return on investment that have not been adjusted for the effects of inflation are called:

A) Coupon rates.
B) Stripped rates.
C) Effective rates.
D) Real rates.
E) Nominal rates.

On Jul 27, 2024



Piercing Manufacturing consists of five different levels of its manufacturing plant. Each level has a myriad of tasks that are performed. The company understands how repetitive work could create burnout. In order to motivate its employees, Piercing Manufacturing has adopted the skill-based pay schedule. What are the positives and negatives to using skill-based pay extrinsic rewards in this scenario?

On Jul 24, 2024

Positives: This type of pay can be a useful way to motivate employees while providing them with an opportunity to showcase their new skills and competencies. Workers are more flexible and productive. Negatives: There is the high cost of additional bonuses and training. There is a possibility that employees may max out their skill levels, which means they cannot receive any additional pay increases unless they change jobs.


The realisation of the profit or loss on a depreciable asset transferred within the group:

A) occurs only when the asset is sold to an external party.
B) results in an inconsistent pattern with the allocation of depreciation of the asset.
C) is assumed to occur only when an external entity becomes directly involved with the asset.
D) is assumed to occur when the future benefits embodied in the asset are consumed by the group.

On Jun 27, 2024



What type of negligence is used in Germany when the defendant is unaware that the act constitutes an offense or unaware that the act is occurring at all?

A) Unbiased negligence
B) Unconscious negligence.
C) Unfocused negligence.
D) Conscious negligence.
E) Mental negligence.

On Jun 24, 2024



Even when allowed to collude, firms in an oligopoly may choose to cheat on their agreements with the rest of the cartel. Why?

On May 28, 2024

Individual profits can be increased at the expense of group profits if individuals cheat on the cartel's cooperative agreement.


When employees are unclear about work methods, scheduling, and performance criteria because others hold different ideas about these, they are likely to suffer from role ambiguity.

On May 25, 2024
