


Phishing is a series of discrete entries or posts that serve as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual or organization.

On Jul 12, 2024



Wild Winds, Inc., of New Iberia has decided to open a branch office in Italy and is seeking a manager to open the branch. Italy is quite similar in culture to New Iberia. Italy does not require by law that an HCN be hired. Wild Winds wishes to hold the costs down because the new branch is a startup. It is important to quickly build relationships in Italy. All things considered, what is the best choice for manager of the new site?

A) Parent Country National
B) Host Country National
C) Third Country National
D) It won't matter, given your criteria hire any of them
E) None of these will do

On Jul 10, 2024



When a company discounts its notes receivable at a bank, the common practice is to record the discounted notes in a(n)

A) liability account
B) contra-asset account
C) asset account
D) expense account

On Jun 12, 2024



According to purchasing power parity theory, if ________ is(are) in equilibrium, products will cost the same in each country.

A) imports and exports
B) consumer spending
C) interest rates
D) domestic products
E) exchange rates

On Jun 10, 2024



The marginal benefit and marginal private cost curves for aphrodisiacs are given as follows: MB = 200 - Q MPC = Q
In addition to private costs, there is a marginal external cost of $10 per unit of output. What is the efficient level of output?

A) 0
B) 55
C) 95
D) 100
E) none of the above

On May 12, 2024



Describe the need-satisfaction presentation format. In the answer, include the two selling styles that are common with this format.

On May 11, 2024

The need-satisfaction presentation format emphasizes probing and listening by the salesperson to identify needs and interests of prospective buyers. Once these are identified, the salesperson tailors the presentation to the prospect and highlights product benefits that may be valued by the prospect. The need-satisfaction format, which emphasizes problem solving and customer solutions, is the most consistent with the marketing concept and relationship building. Two selling styles are common with this format.: (1) Adaptive selling involves adjusting the presentation to fit the selling situation, such as knowing when to offer solutions and when to ask for more information. Sales research and practice show that knowledge of the customer and sales situation are key ingredients for adaptive selling.
(2) Consultative selling focuses on problem identification, where the salesperson serves as an expert on problem recognition and resolution. With consultative selling, problem solution options are not simply a matter of choosing from an array of existing products or services. Rather, novel solutions often arise, thereby creating unique value for the customer. Consultative selling is prominent in business-to-business marketing.