


Select the part of the sentence that contains a grammar or punctuation error. According to recent studies, over 7 million americans eat a meatless diet, and more than 22 million adults limit their consumption of animal products.

A) studies,
B) americans
C) diet, and

On Jul 19, 2024



The following sentences form an essay. Proofread them for consistency, parallelism, and concise language. Select the letter of the error in each sentence. Doctors don't completely understand yet, but they think that high blood pressure puts a strain on blood vessels, causing them to tear and developing weak areas where plaque can gain an easy foothold.

A) consistency
B) parallelism
C) concise language

On Jul 18, 2024



The paragraph below is developed by a specific mode or pattern. Read the paragraph; then answer the question(s) .
(1) Investors should be familiar with three common kinds of investments. (2) The first kind of investment is called a certificate of deposit, or CD. (3) It is the investment option with the least risk. (4) A CD loans your money to your bank for a specific period of time, during which your money collects interest. (5) The second type of investment is a bond, a slightly less conservative way to invest money. (6) With a bond, you invest your money in a business or in the government, which treats your investment as a loan. (7) The third, and riskiest, type of investment of all is in stock. (8) If you buy stock in a company, it means that you own a part of that company, however small. (9) Your fortune will rise and fall with the profits and failures of the company. (10) Each investment option has advantages and disadvantages. (11) It is best to research all options before making your choice.
Select the type of development the writer of this paragraph has used.

A) illustration
B) narration
C) description
D) process
E) definition
F) comparison/contrast
G) classification
H) cause/effect

On Jul 15, 2024



Select the part of the sentence that contains a grammar or punctuation error. A vegetarian is a person, who does not eat meat, poultry, or fish.

A) is
B) person, who
C) poultry, or

On Jun 20, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each item, select the underlined part that contains an error. In fact, psychologist's have identified four major types of stress. The first type is stress that comes from major life changes.

A) psychologist's
B) identified
C) comes

On Jun 17, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) We rarely get tired when we are doing something interesting and exciting. (2) For example, I recently took a vacation in the Canadian Rockies up around Lake Louise. (3) I spent several days trout fishing along Coral Creek, fighting my way through brush higher than my head, stumbling over logs, struggling through fallen timber ⎯ yet after eight hours of this, I was not exhausted. (4) Why? (5) Because I was excited, exhilarated. (6) I had a sense of high achievement: six cutthroat trout.
- Chapter 4, "How to Banish the Boredom that Produces Fatigue, Worry, and  Resentment," from Dale Carnegie's How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job , Simon and Schuster, 1990.
Select the number of the topic sentence in the paragraph above.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 3

On Jun 15, 2024



Each of the following sentences tells what you are trying to persuade someone to do. Beneath each sentence are four reasons that attempt to convince the reader that he or she should take this particular course of action. Select the reason that seems irrelevant, illogical, or untrue. If you wanted to convince someone that the school day should be lengthened, you could say that

A) doing so would increase student achievement.
B) extending the school day would save parents money on after-school day-care costs.
C) a longer school day would solve all of students' problems.
D) lengthening the school day would help keep older kids out of trouble by reducing the amount of time that they are unsupervised by adults.

On Jun 14, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) The federal minimum wage should be increased to at least $15.00 per hour. (2) First of all, this increase will help families who are living in poverty. (3) Not only will it provide these people with a fairer and more decent rate of pay for their labor, but it will also decrease their need for welfare, food stamps, and other forms of government support. (4) Increasing the minimum wage may also stimulate job growth. (5) According to one study published by the Fiscal Policy Institute, employment in small businesses grew faster in states that boosted their minimum wage above the federal minimum than in states requiring only the federal minimum. (6) This report also found that total job growth was faster in the states with higher minimum wages. (7) That may be because workers who earn more can spend more, which stimulates the economy.
Which of the following sentences presents a fact to support a reason?

A) Sentence 3
B) Sentence 5
C) Sentence 6

On Jun 13, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Some seemingly harmless substances can interfere with the way medicines work inside the body. (2) Take grapefruit juice, for example. (3) It disrupts the action of enzymes that break down drugs in the small intestine before they are absorbed into the bloodstream. (4) Therefore, taking a medication with grapefruit juice may cause the drug to enter the blood in dangerously high concentrations. (5) If this happens, not only is the drug less effective, but serious side effects can result. (6) Many common medications, including antidepressants, antihistamines, and cholesterol drugs, are negatively affected by grapefruit juice.
Select the number of the topic sentence in the paragraph above.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 6

On Jun 10, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each one, select the type of error in the sentence. If the sentence is free of mechanics errors, select "Correct."
Children of the Kindertransport
The Kindertransport a valiant rescue mission was planned to evacuate thousands of children to England during the ten months before the outbreak of the war in 1938.

A) Capitalization error
B) Title error
C) Quotation error
D) Punctuation error
E) Correct

On May 20, 2024