


Zigfried Rosenblat,Jr.took part in a study on sexual deviance last year.He was somewhat dismayed when he read an article in a weekly journal discussing sexual deviance in which one patient was referred to as ZRJ.Although the article claimed all names had been disguised to protect personal identities,Zigfried is convinced he is the individual described in the article.In this case,which ethical principle did the researchers likely violate

A)  responsible caring 
B)  responsibility to society 
C)  respect for the dignity of persons 
D)  integrity in relationships

On Sep 29, 2024



Joanna thinks to herself,"I'm motivated to do well at this job because I don't want to disappoint anybody." Joanna is demonstrating which form of motivation?

A) external motivation
B) external regulation
C) introjected regulation
D) intrinsic motivation

On Sep 24, 2024



The British psychologist Hans Eysenck published a major critique of psychotherapy in 1961, in which his main argument against the effectiveness of psychoanalysis and related psychotherapies was that __________.

A) these therapies are not based on scientific theories of human behavior
B) the rate of improvement after therapy is not greater than the spontaneous recovery rate
C) the client's symptoms are only the overt signs of an underlying psychopathology
D) improvement must be evaluated by an independent observer rather than by a psychiatrist

On Sep 22, 2024